1 Timothy 4:12--Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
New Year
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! Now that Christmas is over a new "Holiday" comes around, it is called New Years. Now in the New Year many people make goals. Some are to lose a certain amount of weight, others are to quite smoking. But, you know what? We need to make goals for the New Year too. Goals that will bring us closer to God. My goal for the New Year is to read the whole Bible in a year. Also to write in a journal everyday. Make your goals for the New Year, and try to keep them. If Satan tries to distract you, then ask God to stop Satan and just do it! Have a great night and see you next year! : o )
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry CHRISTmas
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you remember the true meaning of Christmas. It's not about the presents. It's not about you getting the new i-pod, or anything like that. It's about Christ being born. It's about the one of the greatest history in life. the best thing in history is Christ dying on the cross for our sins. It's about Christ being born and about thirty three years later Him dying on the cross to save of our sins. This was the greatest night that has ever happened. The Son of God being born. Him full filling the prophecy that was laid down many years ago. Before even King Cesar was even born, before Joseph and Mary and her generation before her was even created. About thirty years later the greatest sacrifice happened and it will always be the greatest sacrifice. The SON of God, okay do you understand what I mean? The SON OF GOD, God's ONLY Son. Was whipped with a cat of nine tails. Which is a whip with shards of glass and broken pieces of clay. He was beaten, mocked at, spat at and many other awful things. Then he was on the cross. The Romans did everything they could to torture they victims. On the cross the way they would hang them they could not breathe. Unless, you used the plank that was on the cross, to lift yourself up so you could breathe. When there victims did not die fast enough they could break their legs and die of suffocation. But, the prophecy said that Jesus would never break a bone in his body. So he died before they would break his legs. After that he was laid in the tomb, and three days later he rose again! And it all started with Jesus as a little baby. That is the TRUE reason why we celebrate Christmas. So today remember and remind you and other people the TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Merry Christmas!!!
Do you know what that means? Merry means happy (DUH) Christ is the son of God and and mas well I could not find a very trust worthy definition. But I did not make this post to define Merry Christmas. I wrote this post to remind us something. Say Merry Christmas to everyone you meet. Tell people the true meaning of Christmas. Christ was born to save us of our sins. This is one of the greatest days in history! Around thirty three years later the GREATEST thing occurred. Christ died on the cross and ROSE on the third day. Okay, that something to get excited about. So go out and tell everyone you meet "Christ was born to save of our sins." and also remember the true meaning for Christmas. Thank God for what he has given you. He has given us all so many things. So let's go and remind everyone the true meaning of Christmas1
P.S. Don't you dare say "Happy Holiday" it's Christmas!
Do you know what that means? Merry means happy (DUH) Christ is the son of God and and mas well I could not find a very trust worthy definition. But I did not make this post to define Merry Christmas. I wrote this post to remind us something. Say Merry Christmas to everyone you meet. Tell people the true meaning of Christmas. Christ was born to save us of our sins. This is one of the greatest days in history! Around thirty three years later the GREATEST thing occurred. Christ died on the cross and ROSE on the third day. Okay, that something to get excited about. So go out and tell everyone you meet "Christ was born to save of our sins." and also remember the true meaning for Christmas. Thank God for what he has given you. He has given us all so many things. So let's go and remind everyone the true meaning of Christmas1
P.S. Don't you dare say "Happy Holiday" it's Christmas!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Fear Facts
Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you where ever you go."
What do we fear? What are we afraid of? Is it our reputation, or death? Is it spiders that you fear, or a bad hair day? Are you afraid of your future your past? It is normal to have fears, trust me I have some fears myself. But it comes down to one single question - Why are we afraid? I'm mean with God all things are possible.
We all fear something. I fear riding in cars, well, kind of. ;-) But we should always trust our perfect God, I mean He knows what's going to happen; In fact, He knows why your afraid. He knows you better than you know you! WOW, that's cool!
God is always with you! He will never leave you! My stepmother has a sign in our house that says, "God will never put you in a place where He cannot reach you." I think that is so true. So the next time you are afraid and not courageous, remember God knows what's going on and it's just another trial and it will end. God put 365 times in the Bible don't fear - that counts today.
What do we fear? What are we afraid of? Is it our reputation, or death? Is it spiders that you fear, or a bad hair day? Are you afraid of your future your past? It is normal to have fears, trust me I have some fears myself. But it comes down to one single question - Why are we afraid? I'm mean with God all things are possible.
We all fear something. I fear riding in cars, well, kind of. ;-) But we should always trust our perfect God, I mean He knows what's going to happen; In fact, He knows why your afraid. He knows you better than you know you! WOW, that's cool!
God is always with you! He will never leave you! My stepmother has a sign in our house that says, "God will never put you in a place where He cannot reach you." I think that is so true. So the next time you are afraid and not courageous, remember God knows what's going on and it's just another trial and it will end. God put 365 times in the Bible don't fear - that counts today.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Spread the News!!!
Luke 2:8-9 says, "8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people."
I want to go ahead and tell you, I got this idea from my Pastor, Chris Justice, he is the pastor of Lee Park Baptist Church. The shepherds were terrified when they saw the angle, but why? Because it had been 6 centuries since the world. Do you know the first thing the angel said? "Do not be afraid." You know what we and angels have in common? We are both messengers for Christ. So do not be afraid to spread God's word. Yes, I know sometimes it is impossible not to be afraid, but don't let fear control you and keep you from spreading God's word. Because that's what the devil wants. He wants you to be afraid to spread God's word. He wants you to hide in the shadows. But, God does not. He wants you to be lights of this world. Just like the song, This little light of mine.
This little light of mine,
I'm going to let it shine,
This little light of mine,
I'm going to let shine,
This little light of mine
I'm going to let shine,
Let it shine, let it shine, let shine, let shine!
So do not be afraid. And let your lights shine!
I want to go ahead and tell you, I got this idea from my Pastor, Chris Justice, he is the pastor of Lee Park Baptist Church. The shepherds were terrified when they saw the angle, but why? Because it had been 6 centuries since the world. Do you know the first thing the angel said? "Do not be afraid." You know what we and angels have in common? We are both messengers for Christ. So do not be afraid to spread God's word. Yes, I know sometimes it is impossible not to be afraid, but don't let fear control you and keep you from spreading God's word. Because that's what the devil wants. He wants you to be afraid to spread God's word. He wants you to hide in the shadows. But, God does not. He wants you to be lights of this world. Just like the song, This little light of mine.
This little light of mine,
I'm going to let it shine,
This little light of mine,
I'm going to let shine,
This little light of mine
I'm going to let shine,
Let it shine, let it shine, let shine, let shine!
So do not be afraid. And let your lights shine!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Worry, Worry, Worry?
Matthew 6:25-27“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"
Do not worry about anything. Yea, I bet we can do that. (I doubt it.) I know sometimes it is really hard to stop worrying over things, but you know what? It is all in God's hands. Here's a great example, I had to write a five minute debate and it was THE LAST NIGHT. I was so worked up and frustrated. (I should have done it a while ago, but I didn't) and any ways I had to stop myself and say "Jackie, you need to calm down. Put this in God's hands and calm down." So I did just that, and guess what happened, the roads were frozen and co-op (A group that homeschoolers gather and learn a specific subject.) was two hours late. Enough time to finish my debate! I would have never finished it if it wasn't for God and his special way of helping me out. Just like Jesus said, look up in the sky and see the birds, if God can feed the birds in the air and every animal on this earth than I know he can give us our needs.
Also do not worry about what you look like, life is more important than looks. We were not made to worry over how we look. We were here to full fill God's purpose. We are more valuable than birds and if God feeds them He will feed us more than we can hold.
Do not worry about anything. Yea, I bet we can do that. (I doubt it.) I know sometimes it is really hard to stop worrying over things, but you know what? It is all in God's hands. Here's a great example, I had to write a five minute debate and it was THE LAST NIGHT. I was so worked up and frustrated. (I should have done it a while ago, but I didn't) and any ways I had to stop myself and say "Jackie, you need to calm down. Put this in God's hands and calm down." So I did just that, and guess what happened, the roads were frozen and co-op (A group that homeschoolers gather and learn a specific subject.) was two hours late. Enough time to finish my debate! I would have never finished it if it wasn't for God and his special way of helping me out. Just like Jesus said, look up in the sky and see the birds, if God can feed the birds in the air and every animal on this earth than I know he can give us our needs.
Also do not worry about what you look like, life is more important than looks. We were not made to worry over how we look. We were here to full fill God's purpose. We are more valuable than birds and if God feeds them He will feed us more than we can hold.
Merry CHRISTmas!!!!!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas y'all! I love Christmas! People are so cheerful, joy, and peace is everywhere, but why is cheer, joy, and peace all around? Jesus or Santa? A manger or sleigh? The ultimate gift or lots of toys? Truthfully, which one did you pick? Millions of people picked everything that fell under Santa, and a lot of those people were Christians. Every year more and more people forget that even though we get toys, iPods, computers, ect. but we forget that one special gift we got 2,000 years ago. Can anyone guess? JESUS!!!! When i tell peoples that, they always ask me, "isn't that Easter?" But if Jesus Christ had never of been born then he would of never of taken our sins in the most horrific way. So please just remember the most important gift of all.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Showing off
Matthew 6:2-5 says "So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret you will be reward you. When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full."
So what does that mean? For one thing, do not pray aloud or brag about the good things you have done. That does not do much for you. If you do good things just to prove that you are a good person, then shame on you! Showing off for your good does not do much. Like Jesus said "they get their reward in full." So what does Jesus mean by get their reward in full? He means that the only reward they will get is the attention of others. That's it, nothing more. I would rather get my reward by the Father above who can do all things than by a man or person. God's rewards are much better than a person. Also when it says "do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing", that means don't let everyone see what you are doing. Your donations are suppose to be kept secret. Have you ever noticed those slips for money on the back of the pews? Well that's what there for, to put your donation in so it can be kept secret.
Same thing when it comes to praying. Don't pray out loud where everyone can hear, unless they ask you to of course. But, pray in your head where you are kept in secret. Don't yell out "I prayed!" When you do, only say that if someone asks you. Christianity is not based on how generous your are with your donations, or how many times you pray. It's between you and God, don't show off for your reason only.
So what does that mean? For one thing, do not pray aloud or brag about the good things you have done. That does not do much for you. If you do good things just to prove that you are a good person, then shame on you! Showing off for your good does not do much. Like Jesus said "they get their reward in full." So what does Jesus mean by get their reward in full? He means that the only reward they will get is the attention of others. That's it, nothing more. I would rather get my reward by the Father above who can do all things than by a man or person. God's rewards are much better than a person. Also when it says "do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing", that means don't let everyone see what you are doing. Your donations are suppose to be kept secret. Have you ever noticed those slips for money on the back of the pews? Well that's what there for, to put your donation in so it can be kept secret.
Same thing when it comes to praying. Don't pray out loud where everyone can hear, unless they ask you to of course. But, pray in your head where you are kept in secret. Don't yell out "I prayed!" When you do, only say that if someone asks you. Christianity is not based on how generous your are with your donations, or how many times you pray. It's between you and God, don't show off for your reason only.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Two Masters
Matthew 6:25 says "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other You cannot serve God and wealth."
I think you can figure out what this post is already about, right? You cannot have two masters, you will love one and despise the other. That is the samething with wealth and God. You love one and hate the other. So I am going to go ahead and ask, which one do you love? If you love God then this Christmas even if you don't get the new i-pod touch, or the new video game you will still be thankful. If you picked wealth than you will not be glad that you didn't get something you wanted. We should be thankful for what we got. There are people all over the world who would be lucky to find something in the trash for dinner this Christmas. So just a reminder don't let wealth be your master but the God of the universe. The one that sent his only son to die on the cross for you. In my case I think that is the best Christmas present ever. To know that each day God loved you and loves you enough to die on the cross. To make the ultimate sacrifice.
I think you can figure out what this post is already about, right? You cannot have two masters, you will love one and despise the other. That is the samething with wealth and God. You love one and hate the other. So I am going to go ahead and ask, which one do you love? If you love God then this Christmas even if you don't get the new i-pod touch, or the new video game you will still be thankful. If you picked wealth than you will not be glad that you didn't get something you wanted. We should be thankful for what we got. There are people all over the world who would be lucky to find something in the trash for dinner this Christmas. So just a reminder don't let wealth be your master but the God of the universe. The one that sent his only son to die on the cross for you. In my case I think that is the best Christmas present ever. To know that each day God loved you and loves you enough to die on the cross. To make the ultimate sacrifice.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Question of the Month!
You have been invited to a awesome Christmas party. But on the same day your church is volunteering to go to the Operation Christmas Child, what do you do?
A. Go to the Operation Christmas Child.
B. Go to the Christmas party.
C. See if there is a way to go to both.
D. Go to neither.
Chose honestly.
A. Go to the Operation Christmas Child.
B. Go to the Christmas party.
C. See if there is a way to go to both.
D. Go to neither.
Chose honestly.
Treasures in Heaven
Matthew 6:19-21 says "Do not store up for yourselves treasures of the earth, where moth, and rust destroy, and where thieves break and steal. But stores up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heat will be also." Many people these days think that they need everything they see. Like they just HAVE to have everything. But why? Everything on this earth will be destroyed, nothing lasts forever except for our souls, heaven and hell. So like the verse says, why keep your treasure on earth? The greatest treasure is in heaven waiting for you. Not the new i-pod, or the next Call of Duty game. (Not recommended if you get motion sickness! Been there and done that!) Now I am not saying that everyone is like that, so if you think your not then just try to remind yourself the real reason for Christmas. The greatest treasure is Jesus Christ, I have a challenge for you, this Christmas, I want you to remind yourself the REAL reason why we celebrate Christmas. Not for Santa Clause, or Saint Nick. But for Jesus being born, because if you did not know, when Jesus was born he knew the plan. He knew that he was going to be betrayed by Judas, and yet he still came. You know why? Because he loves you. So for the next 19 days I want you to remember what Christmas is really about. Write on your door if you have to(Not really on your door but with a sticky note, I really doubt you want to write directly on your door.), make a big sigh that reminds you. I heard some people say...
There is no Christmas without Christ!!!
Also after Christmas thank God for what he has blessed you with!
There is no Christmas without Christ!!!
Also after Christmas thank God for what he has blessed you with!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Lies of the World/ Success
Hello everyone this is the LAST post for Lies of the World Series. Hope you enjoy it!
Everyone thinks you need to go to college, get a big fat degree, have like no debt, have every expensive thing, and be famous, just to be successful. BUT, that's not true!! For some people success is just being happy, having GOD as your Savior, and having a family. Success is viewed in so many different ways!
I am hear to tell you that you don't need all that stuff. The only thing you need success in is Jesus Christ. Everything else will just fall in place, trust me I have been there and done that! I believe that you do need a good education and all that, but you don't have to be wealthy or pretty. You don't need the best clothes or the coolest phone. You can be a NORMAL girl or boy and still be a successful person.
Everyone thinks you need to go to college, get a big fat degree, have like no debt, have every expensive thing, and be famous, just to be successful. BUT, that's not true!! For some people success is just being happy, having GOD as your Savior, and having a family. Success is viewed in so many different ways!
I am hear to tell you that you don't need all that stuff. The only thing you need success in is Jesus Christ. Everything else will just fall in place, trust me I have been there and done that! I believe that you do need a good education and all that, but you don't have to be wealthy or pretty. You don't need the best clothes or the coolest phone. You can be a NORMAL girl or boy and still be a successful person.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
We decided to pause the series, sorry.
I'm sure we've all seen a G, PG, PG-13, and R movie, right at least one right? But what is so good about watching R, and PG-13? And sometimes even PG movies are real bad. But, why are they rated above G? Sex, scary images, violence, language, crude humor, etc. But the bible says that ALL of these things are sinful and bad, and not to fill your mind with it. So, why do you watch it, because the world told you that you've got to watch it!! A friend of mine told me that the easiest way to spot out a bad movies is, if the world gives it a real good rating, then you know its bad!
Philippians 4:12 - Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-- think about such things.
I'm sure we've all seen a G, PG, PG-13, and R movie, right at least one right? But what is so good about watching R, and PG-13? And sometimes even PG movies are real bad. But, why are they rated above G? Sex, scary images, violence, language, crude humor, etc. But the bible says that ALL of these things are sinful and bad, and not to fill your mind with it. So, why do you watch it, because the world told you that you've got to watch it!! A friend of mine told me that the easiest way to spot out a bad movies is, if the world gives it a real good rating, then you know its bad!
Philippians 4:12 - Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-- think about such things.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Lies of the World/Money
Some people these days think the more money I have the better, but that is not always true. Some people who have money become selfish with it, it becomes their only desire. Some people it's the only thing that they think about, money. Money can be a dangerous thing, yet it can also help. It can help you get the food you need and the clothes that you wear. But, it can also be sinful, but only when you use it sinfully. If your only desire or goal is to have more money than your in trouble. You must know how to use money the right way. Now I am not saying that money in general is bad, it's just when you use it to sin, like to buy a CD that sings sinful things, or buy alcohol even if your underage. Money can be good if you use to buy food for a food drive, pay the bills (For when you get older) = ), buy good music, and I think you know what I am saying. The way I think it is this, There are "Wants" and "Needs" I need to separate my "Wants" from my "Needs". There's a difference there huh?
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Lies of the world/Teenagers
So, right now I'm SOO mad because in every movie the teenager is, disrespectful, a junkie and so on. Why does the world think of us like that? I mean doesn't that make you mad, that all the world accepts of us is that we're going to, lose your virginity, get addicted to drugs, smoke, be lazy, treat others like trash, and you are trash so whatever!!! OH, but hey we aren't so don't think you are. All we need to do is so simple, make your bed, do like at least one chore, and don't do anything up there I just listed. *WHAT I CANT DO THAT* Uh, yes you can , it's not hard to say no. If it is hard for you just practice it in the mirror for a while, but when you say no, don't say no all girly and wimpy, say no almost like you got an attitude. The deference on how you say no is real important! How firm and for real you sound shows whether or not you mean it and if they can push you.
Y'all should read "Do Hard Things" By two twin teen brothers, Alex and Brett Harris.
Their whole book is exactly what this post is about, I strongly suggest that you read it.
Y'all should read "Do Hard Things" By two twin teen brothers, Alex and Brett Harris.
Their whole book is exactly what this post is about, I strongly suggest that you read it.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Lies of the World/Happy Holidays!
Have you ever noticed that almost every Christmas card has "Happy Holidays!" instead of "Merry Christmas"? I have. I know it is a little early but you don't get Christmas present two days before Christmas. I have already heard my step mother plan her Christmas shopping. Some people these days say "Happy Holidays" because some people think that Christmas is about Santa Clause. I want to go ahead and warn you, I will be writing some stuff about Santa Clause that might surprise you, okay? For one thing Santa does not exist, it is not possible for a wide and jolly man to go down a chimney. Okay I said it. Some people these days can go through Christmas and not even think twice about the birth of Jesus. Especially kids! Now I am not sayng ALL kids think that. But some do, if you have a sidling at your house remind them the real reason of Christmas. It will help a lot! So this Christmas and Thanksgiving remember why we celebrate these holidays, and it's not for presents. Be thankful for what God has blessed you on Thanksgiving, and on Christmas remember why you really celebrate Christmas.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Question of the month
qWhat do you do when its just you and your friend walking home and a group of guys start coming your way?
A. Just keep walking and ignore them
B. Cross the street and leave them
C. Their really cute so try toflirt talk to them
Answer honestly:)
A. Just keep walking and ignore them
B. Cross the street and leave them
C. Their really cute so try to
Answer honestly:)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Lies of the World/You Need...
If you have a T.V. at your house then you should know what a commercial is, right? There always saying you need this and you need that! But you know what, you don't. The only thing you need is God, because with him you can do anything and with out him you can do nothing. You only need God because he will bless you with everything you need. So girls you don't need the new Mary Kay makeup, or the newest cell phone, and sorry guys but you really don't NEED that knew and improved X-box 360 (Or any other game device). So go ahead wipe your tears away, you will get over it soon, trust me.
You see there are always "Wants" and "Needs". It's okay to want something. If you are having a hard time figuring out if it is a want or a need, just ask yourself, "Do I really need this? Will I die if I don't have it?" I can already hear the girls saying"YES!!! I will die if I don't get that new shirt! Look it's even on sale!!!" or whatever you are wanting. I know there will be times when you REALLY want something especially since it's kinda close to Christmas. But always remember "Is this a "Want" or a "Need"?"
You see there are always "Wants" and "Needs". It's okay to want something. If you are having a hard time figuring out if it is a want or a need, just ask yourself, "Do I really need this? Will I die if I don't have it?" I can already hear the girls saying"YES!!! I will die if I don't get that new shirt! Look it's even on sale!!!" or whatever you are wanting. I know there will be times when you REALLY want something especially since it's kinda close to Christmas. But always remember "Is this a "Want" or a "Need"?"
Monday, November 15, 2010
Lies of the World Series/Just one time...
Have you ever been pressured into doing something? I am not talking about good pressure, but pressured into doing something sinful like watching a movie you know your parents wouldn't let you watch. We are pressured into doing things we shouldn't, and you know what they say? "Come on man just this one time." Let me tell you somethings, it wouldn't be just one time. Trust me if you watch something sinful you will become addicted to it. If you drink one beer you will say "Well one didn't hurt me.", and the once becomes a twice and so forth. People will pressure you into doing sinful things. Don't let the world lie to you saying "Just do it once." you know what? That is all it takes just one time.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Lies of the World Series/ I deserve
Just about every were you go you see, you deserve this, you deserve that, you DESERVE!!!!
But, no you don't deserve anything its by grace from GOD that we have anything. Let me ask you this what do think you deserve, hem? A car, food, shelter, love, anything, well I can tell you this you don't deserve ANYTHING!!! But because God loves us SO much, that he sent his only and begotten son, and that he who so should believe in him will not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) Isn't that just so good to hear! That's how much he loves us. But back to the topic we didn't deserve God's son, no we deserved to go to hell, but God loves you and me so much that he gave us grace and sent His son to take our punishment.
Now some people think, well God was suppose to do that, he's God, but they're dead wrong! One of the many characteristics of God is that is is personable, so he feels pain too.
Think about this, you have a son, he's your only son, you love him deeply. Now would you send him down to die the most horriblest death, for sinners who don't even love you? Well God did that for you!
Think about it.
But, no you don't deserve anything its by grace from GOD that we have anything. Let me ask you this what do think you deserve, hem? A car, food, shelter, love, anything, well I can tell you this you don't deserve ANYTHING!!! But because God loves us SO much, that he sent his only and begotten son, and that he who so should believe in him will not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) Isn't that just so good to hear! That's how much he loves us. But back to the topic we didn't deserve God's son, no we deserved to go to hell, but God loves you and me so much that he gave us grace and sent His son to take our punishment.
Now some people think, well God was suppose to do that, he's God, but they're dead wrong! One of the many characteristics of God is that is is personable, so he feels pain too.
Think about this, you have a son, he's your only son, you love him deeply. Now would you send him down to die the most horriblest death, for sinners who don't even love you? Well God did that for you!
Think about it.
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Has any one seen any of these bumper stickers? So do you know what they mean? Well supposedly they mean "World peace!" Can you believe that!? Who in the world would actually believe that? The "C" means the Crescent Moon (Muslim) the "O" stands for peace, the "E" stands for the male and female symbol (Homosexuality) and the the star is David's star the sign of Judaism. Also the "I" is a pagan/Wicca symbol (Witch craft for Wicca) The "S" is the Chinese Yin Yuan, and last but not least the "T" is Christianity. What this sign is really saying, "I believe that all the religions can be in peace and you will go where ever you think." Well it doesn't work out that way! How can you have Muslim and Christianity together?! It can't work! There is only ONE TRUE religion, and I think it's better to call it not a religion but the TRUTH! I think it is obviously to know what it is... CHRISTIANITY of course. It's the truth and nothing but the truth! It was always the truth and will be till the day of Resurrection.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Lies of the World Series/Only One Way to Heaven!
Many people these days think that there are many ways to heaven. Some say "Oh, I have been a good person. I have given to the poor I have not murdered and any thing like that, I'll go to heaven!" Well I hate to burst you bubble, but that's not true! John 14:6 says "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (King James Version) You see what that means? There is only one way to get to heaven and it's by Jesus! So it doesn't matter how good you are, if you gave all your money to charity you will not get in heaven! The only way you can get to heaven is by believing that Jesus is our Lord and savior, and that he died on the cross, and rose again in the third day!
Some people believe that they never sinned! Can you believe that?! That is so impossible! Everyone is a sinner the only person who walked this earth and never sinned was Jesus! Other than that, nada, nope! No one else in this world is perfect. We all sin and I guess some people can't accept that!
So don't go believing that you are good enough to go to heaven because you know what? We aren't, we are all sinners and we all deserve to go to hell. No matter how good you act in this world, the only way to get to heaven is by Jesus.
Some people believe that they never sinned! Can you believe that?! That is so impossible! Everyone is a sinner the only person who walked this earth and never sinned was Jesus! Other than that, nada, nope! No one else in this world is perfect. We all sin and I guess some people can't accept that!
So don't go believing that you are good enough to go to heaven because you know what? We aren't, we are all sinners and we all deserve to go to hell. No matter how good you act in this world, the only way to get to heaven is by Jesus.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Lies of the World Series/ Standards
Yup you heard me standards. What do I mean by that? Well the dictionary says "A rule or principle that is used as a basis for judgment." The world has put lies in our minds that says we have to be at a certain standard to be accepted and fit in. We have to wear the certain type of clothes, listen to certain things, and many more! But I am not going to type your ear off! (You get the joke right?) = ) I bet all those standards are over whelming! Well I have good new for you...
You don't have to go by those standards! That takes weight off your chest, huh? The only standards I believe you should follow is God's, and who wouldn't want to follow his? I would rather follow God's rules any day! So don't get all worried about what people expect you to do. The standards these days that people expect to see you wear and hear is horrid! I would wear a t-shirt and jeans than a immodest shirt and extremely short shorts any day!
And P.S. I WILL!
You don't have to go by those standards! That takes weight off your chest, huh? The only standards I believe you should follow is God's, and who wouldn't want to follow his? I would rather follow God's rules any day! So don't get all worried about what people expect you to do. The standards these days that people expect to see you wear and hear is horrid! I would wear a t-shirt and jeans than a immodest shirt and extremely short shorts any day!
And P.S. I WILL!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Lies of the World/ Children
Today some people are saying "Children are a financial drain!" "They slow you down." and many other things. But there lies, all lies! Children are a joy to life, they make everything seem a little better. Jesus even spent time with children. Actually one time a group of kids said they wanted to see Jesus, but do you know what the disciples said? "Get out of hear! Jesus has no time for kids." Well they did not say it just like that but that's what they meant! When Jesus saw what happened he stopped the children and talked with them, and played with them. The Bible even says "Be fruitful and multiply" numerous times, and "He who causes my children to sin, it is better for you to of had a millstone chained around your neck and thrown in to the ocean!" That's how much God loves us. You see so the next time you see kids think "Aww they look so cute!" not "Man! It's kids they ruin everything!"
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Lies of the World Series
Hello everyone and good morning or afternoon depends on when you read this. = ) Today we have decided to do a series! The series is called "The Lies of the World" The world today has given us many lies, and we will help you recognize what they are. We hope that you will learn what lies the world has given us through what you read from this blog.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Mr. Right Guy
Have you ever dreamed who Mr. Right Guy or Miss. Right Girl will be? Have you ever wondered what he or she looks like? Here is a story about Samuel anointing David as king.
1 Samuel 16:6-13
When they arrived, Samuel saw Eliab (Jesse is the father of Eliab) and thought, "Surely the Lord's anointed stands here before the Lord." But the Lord said to Samuel "Do not consider his appearance or his height for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. The Lord does not look at the outward appearance, but the at the heart." Then Jesse called Abinadab and had him in front of Samuel. But Samuel said "The Lord has not chosen this one either." Jesse then had Shammah pass by, but Samuel said "Nor has the Lord chosen this one." Jesse had seven sons pass before Samuel, but Samuel said to him. "The Lord has not chosen these." So he asked Jesse, "Are these all the sons you have?"
"There is the youngest," Jesse answered, "but he is tending the sheep."
Samuel said "Send for him: we will not sit down until he arrives." So he sent and had him brought in. He was ruddy, with a fine appearance and handsome features.Then the Lord said "Rise and anoint him; for he is the one."
Don't you think that's amazing? Out of all of the brothers it was David! He was the youngest and the smallest. When Samuel first came there he thought it was Eliab. But God looks at our hearts not our beauty. So if you are dating (Which if you are then I hope you are over 15) Pray to God and see if he or she is right for you. Remember God looks at our hearts not our outward appearance. So the one you might like may look good on the outside, but is his or her heart the way God wants it to be? Some of you are probably wondering "How do I know God is saying 'This is the one?' I asked someone that same question and she said, "It is hard to explain but when God spoke to me I knew it was him."
1 Samuel 16:6-13
When they arrived, Samuel saw Eliab (Jesse is the father of Eliab) and thought, "Surely the Lord's anointed stands here before the Lord." But the Lord said to Samuel "Do not consider his appearance or his height for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. The Lord does not look at the outward appearance, but the at the heart." Then Jesse called Abinadab and had him in front of Samuel. But Samuel said "The Lord has not chosen this one either." Jesse then had Shammah pass by, but Samuel said "Nor has the Lord chosen this one." Jesse had seven sons pass before Samuel, but Samuel said to him. "The Lord has not chosen these." So he asked Jesse, "Are these all the sons you have?"
"There is the youngest," Jesse answered, "but he is tending the sheep."
Samuel said "Send for him: we will not sit down until he arrives." So he sent and had him brought in. He was ruddy, with a fine appearance and handsome features.Then the Lord said "Rise and anoint him; for he is the one."
Don't you think that's amazing? Out of all of the brothers it was David! He was the youngest and the smallest. When Samuel first came there he thought it was Eliab. But God looks at our hearts not our beauty. So if you are dating (Which if you are then I hope you are over 15) Pray to God and see if he or she is right for you. Remember God looks at our hearts not our outward appearance. So the one you might like may look good on the outside, but is his or her heart the way God wants it to be? Some of you are probably wondering "How do I know God is saying 'This is the one?' I asked someone that same question and she said, "It is hard to explain but when God spoke to me I knew it was him."
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
What do you desire? The new iPhone 4, fashionable clothes, or a boyfriend/girlfriend. It doesn't have to be materials either, such as fitting in or looking prettier. But desires doesn't have to be bad they can be great! Like wanting to become closer to GOD and staying pure.
If you draw closer to GOD and follow, believe in him, pray and read his bible, the bible says he will give you, your desires, BUT when you follow God and completely surrender to Him the desires that you will have will be Godly, and you'll desire the good desires.
Just a quick thought for the day! :D
If you draw closer to GOD and follow, believe in him, pray and read his bible, the bible says he will give you, your desires, BUT when you follow God and completely surrender to Him the desires that you will have will be Godly, and you'll desire the good desires.
Just a quick thought for the day! :D
Monday, November 1, 2010
Past, Present and Future
Are you worrying about tomorrow? Or next week or next year and even farther in the future? Are you dreading what you have done in the past? Many people these days either worry about the future or wallow because of what they have done in the past, but why!You should be glad that you are here now! Living and breathing, if you did not have a computer you would not be reading this now! God has blessed us with so much! If you made a regret in the past learn from it and move on, and if you are freaking out about something in the future, you can calm down God will always be with you. Also God will never put you through a storm that you can't handle! Isn't that great news! "The past is the past, what's done is done. Who knows the future may never come. But the time right now... huh, well there's a reason why its called the PRESENT! = )
Friday, October 29, 2010
Hard Days
Has today been a hard day to you? Was it like when you woke up this morning the rain clouds were above you head and followed you every where you went? Well everyone has those day, trust me I have those them too! But you know what, not everything has gone wrong today. Your still breathing, that's a good sign! God blessed you another day in this world! Psalm 118:24 "This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it." Here is another really good thing about this day... THE TOMB IS STILL EMPTY!!! You know what that means right? It means that Jesus died on the cross and rose on the third day! He still forgives us for our sins, and helps us in time of need. I would rather give everything away than not have eternal salvation. So the next time you are having a grumpy day remind yourself the tomb is still empty! Then I believe your day would be a better.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Fear Not!
Psalms 27:1 "The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid of?" That's a powerful verse, huh? But what does it mean? It means with God on my side why should I fear? Also since God is the stronghold of my life why should I be afraid of death? Here is one of my favorite sayings, "With Him I can move mountains, without Him I can do nothing." I just love that! I can do ANYTHING with the Lord's help and without Him I am nothing. It amazes me all the love God gave us, so why do we fear?
Like I said we can do anything with the Lord, if He allows us. So remember...
Like I said we can do anything with the Lord, if He allows us. So remember...
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Have you ever burned yourself? I mean a real burn that hurts even to tap it gently? If you have you can remember how bad it felt and how annoyingly painful it was. If you haven't had that kind of burn then think of a cut or scrape that hurt so much you had fight back the tears. To me I think burns are the worst kinds of injuries. They stay there longer than a scrape and hurt a lot more to. They feel like it will never go away!
Now imagine that kind of pain but multiplied as far as pain itself can be, that would be excruciating! I could never imagine that kind of pain. But there is that kind of pain. That kind of pain is in hell. If you do not except Jesus in your heart you will go there. Why am I telling you this? I am telling you this because it is true, hell is not a story it's the real deal.
Now you might be saying "Oh I already believe in Christ, you don't have to worry about me!" If you think that here is a thought for you, are you worried about the other people around you who are not saved? The reason why me and Seviann picked "The Next Teen Generation in Action" is not just because it's catchy, it's because it means something. The Next Teen Generation is you! You are the next generation.
Are you going to be the teen that says "I am saved I won't go to hell I am fine." and that's it? Will you ever give a second thought on the people who are not saved? Here are some facts that I learned.
There is an estimate of 6.7 billion people in this world.
75% do NOT know the Lord.
2 people die each second.
There is and estimate of 155,000 people who die each day. That is a lot right? Can you believe that 75% of the people of the world don't know God? This is where the action comes in on our title. Get out there and spread the good news! Jesus paid much to high of a price for us to pick and chose who should come.(To Heaven) By Casting Crowns. I am not saying you should walk up to a complete strangers house, if you want to do that make sure you are working in groups, it's better to be safe than sorry. But if you are public schooled you can be kind to the other kids, remind yourself 75% of people in the world are not saved. Then when you get a chance spread God's wonderful news, do it! Now be expected to be picked on. But all you have to do is ignore them and eventually they'll stop. But remind yourself God loved you so much he sent his only son, then I believe it would be easier to love another.
Now imagine that kind of pain but multiplied as far as pain itself can be, that would be excruciating! I could never imagine that kind of pain. But there is that kind of pain. That kind of pain is in hell. If you do not except Jesus in your heart you will go there. Why am I telling you this? I am telling you this because it is true, hell is not a story it's the real deal.
Now you might be saying "Oh I already believe in Christ, you don't have to worry about me!" If you think that here is a thought for you, are you worried about the other people around you who are not saved? The reason why me and Seviann picked "The Next Teen Generation in Action" is not just because it's catchy, it's because it means something. The Next Teen Generation is you! You are the next generation.
Are you going to be the teen that says "I am saved I won't go to hell I am fine." and that's it? Will you ever give a second thought on the people who are not saved? Here are some facts that I learned.
There is an estimate of 6.7 billion people in this world.
75% do NOT know the Lord.
2 people die each second.
There is and estimate of 155,000 people who die each day. That is a lot right? Can you believe that 75% of the people of the world don't know God? This is where the action comes in on our title. Get out there and spread the good news! Jesus paid much to high of a price for us to pick and chose who should come.(To Heaven) By Casting Crowns. I am not saying you should walk up to a complete strangers house, if you want to do that make sure you are working in groups, it's better to be safe than sorry. But if you are public schooled you can be kind to the other kids, remind yourself 75% of people in the world are not saved. Then when you get a chance spread God's wonderful news, do it! Now be expected to be picked on. But all you have to do is ignore them and eventually they'll stop. But remind yourself God loved you so much he sent his only son, then I believe it would be easier to love another.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Why am I here?
Have you ever looked in the mirror and said to yourself, "Why am I here?"
Well I caught myself thinking that today and it wouldn't leave me alone all day. So I decided to Yahoo the word teenager to what the world thinks of us, and do you know what i got! Well first I got the definition of teenager, then if I kept scrolling down I got, how to raise a rebellious teenager, a parents guide to the teen years, teens and drunk driving, and so one. The world expects nothing out of us, they expect you to have "wild teen years". To get drunk, become pregnant, be lazy, stupid, and rebellious! I don't believe we don't do anything to stop it, because, we are the next generation, to run this country, sit in the White House. So, this is what the world expects..... Have super regrettable teen years, and then have a miraculous came back from being irresponsible and not run this country in the ground!?! Sounds just brilliant! OK, so that's why we're here, hope the country lasts! Bye!
Just kidding, (about the good bye) we need to stop this! Right now! In the teen years, prove to the world that we are responsible and can stay clean. A little over a hundred years ago you hit 15 and you were an adult, your "teen years" didn't exist! It's SO easy to not be irresponsible, all you've got to do is, not get drunk or even drink, not have sex, and do a few chores to help your mom out, because one day you'll most likely be in her shoes. Know really how hard do you think that is? Not that hard right, and if you do think it is well, we all love a little challenge!!
Also email me at leeparkgals@hotmail.com I would love to hear your story and the prosses in this challenge, eveyone needs encourgement and thats why I'm here!
Well I caught myself thinking that today and it wouldn't leave me alone all day. So I decided to Yahoo the word teenager to what the world thinks of us, and do you know what i got! Well first I got the definition of teenager, then if I kept scrolling down I got, how to raise a rebellious teenager, a parents guide to the teen years, teens and drunk driving, and so one. The world expects nothing out of us, they expect you to have "wild teen years". To get drunk, become pregnant, be lazy, stupid, and rebellious! I don't believe we don't do anything to stop it, because, we are the next generation, to run this country, sit in the White House. So, this is what the world expects..... Have super regrettable teen years, and then have a miraculous came back from being irresponsible and not run this country in the ground!?! Sounds just brilliant! OK, so that's why we're here, hope the country lasts! Bye!
Just kidding, (about the good bye) we need to stop this! Right now! In the teen years, prove to the world that we are responsible and can stay clean. A little over a hundred years ago you hit 15 and you were an adult, your "teen years" didn't exist! It's SO easy to not be irresponsible, all you've got to do is, not get drunk or even drink, not have sex, and do a few chores to help your mom out, because one day you'll most likely be in her shoes. Know really how hard do you think that is? Not that hard right, and if you do think it is well, we all love a little challenge!!
Also email me at leeparkgals@hotmail.com I would love to hear your story and the prosses in this challenge, eveyone needs encourgement and thats why I'm here!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Inward and Outward Beauty
You glance at the T.V. screen and see a beautiful model showing off her skinny body. You think to yourself why didn’t God make me look pretty like that? Does He think that person is better than me? The answer to both of those questions is God cares about you He made you beautiful and precious just the way you are. Don’t ever think that God treasures someone more because of how they look. If you think something like that then it‘s probably just your bothersome emotions lying to you again. God says in His Word everybody is the same. We all sin.
Inward beauty is much more different than outward beauty because, you want your heart to be clean and pure. The reason is, if you are a Christian, than your heart becomes the Holy Spirits resting place and you want to keep the Holy spirit’s home clean. By keeping your body clean. I mean you should not dirty your body up with: drugs, alcohol, smoking etc…
Outward beauty is another part of most teenagers life now a days. Sadly, out of hundreds of teenagers between the ages of thirteen the seventeen there are one to two teenager that develop eating disorders. That’s a lot since there are 25 to 28 million teenagers in the world. The reason is because they don’t feel good about their outward appearance and they see all those skinny and pretty to the eye, stars on T.V. or magazines and think they look ugly when they really are pretty. As days go by lots of teenagers around the world die because of not eating enough or of drugs and other thing that they think will fill the whole in their life that they think bad stuff will fill and make them feel good about themselves. They end up making an awful choice because the thing that they need to fill that whole of longing with is Jesus Christ. He will change their life. Today I found the verses 1Peter 3:3-4 “Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God” when I read those verses, it touched my heart. I love knowing that my God doesn’t care how you look on the outside as long as it’s modest but, that He cares about your heart.
Inward beauty is much more different than outward beauty because, you want your heart to be clean and pure. The reason is, if you are a Christian, than your heart becomes the Holy Spirits resting place and you want to keep the Holy spirit’s home clean. By keeping your body clean. I mean you should not dirty your body up with: drugs, alcohol, smoking etc…
Outward beauty is another part of most teenagers life now a days. Sadly, out of hundreds of teenagers between the ages of thirteen the seventeen there are one to two teenager that develop eating disorders. That’s a lot since there are 25 to 28 million teenagers in the world. The reason is because they don’t feel good about their outward appearance and they see all those skinny and pretty to the eye, stars on T.V. or magazines and think they look ugly when they really are pretty. As days go by lots of teenagers around the world die because of not eating enough or of drugs and other thing that they think will fill the whole in their life that they think bad stuff will fill and make them feel good about themselves. They end up making an awful choice because the thing that they need to fill that whole of longing with is Jesus Christ. He will change their life. Today I found the verses 1Peter 3:3-4 “Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God” when I read those verses, it touched my heart. I love knowing that my God doesn’t care how you look on the outside as long as it’s modest but, that He cares about your heart.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Quick! Right now go hug you sibling!!!!
So, who actually did that? Not me! And that's why I'm writing this post, because lots of times when it comes to older and younger sisters and brothers....... well lets not go in to detail;) I must say that i am guilty of having, um.... bad feelings toward them.
Part of being "The Next Teen In Action" is, well, loving EVERYBODY! Including our siblings, that guy next door, and the gangster. We'll get to deeper discussion about the gangster. But what I want to focus on is, loving our (biological) brother and sisters. For example, your younger sister/brother comes barging in your room and decides, I really want to "borrow" that brush my sister/brother uses. Or your older sister/brother decides, I'm going to embarrass my sister/brother in front of their friends. What is your first reaction? "I'm going to kill you!!!" That is probably it, right? But, our reaction should be a blessing. Blessing, what??? Well the bible says in 1 Peter 3:9 "Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing." So next time your lovely sibling tries to make you go crazy, be nice to them. No, it will not be easy, but God will reward you in the long run.
Also think about this, if your sister/brother were to die right now, how do you think you would feel? I know my sister an I would joke that we're going to wear yellow to each others funerals, but really I would regret every little mean thing I did or said to them, and be super upset. I would miss my sister and brother if they were to die . We don't really think about that type of stuff, when we do something to them, do we?
So, who actually did that? Not me! And that's why I'm writing this post, because lots of times when it comes to older and younger sisters and brothers....... well lets not go in to detail;) I must say that i am guilty of having, um.... bad feelings toward them.
Part of being "The Next Teen In Action" is, well, loving EVERYBODY! Including our siblings, that guy next door, and the gangster. We'll get to deeper discussion about the gangster. But what I want to focus on is, loving our (biological) brother and sisters. For example, your younger sister/brother comes barging in your room and decides, I really want to "borrow" that brush my sister/brother uses. Or your older sister/brother decides, I'm going to embarrass my sister/brother in front of their friends. What is your first reaction? "I'm going to kill you!!!" That is probably it, right? But, our reaction should be a blessing. Blessing, what??? Well the bible says in 1 Peter 3:9 "Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing." So next time your lovely sibling tries to make you go crazy, be nice to them. No, it will not be easy, but God will reward you in the long run.
Also think about this, if your sister/brother were to die right now, how do you think you would feel? I know my sister an I would joke that we're going to wear yellow to each others funerals, but really I would regret every little mean thing I did or said to them, and be super upset. I would miss my sister and brother if they were to die . We don't really think about that type of stuff, when we do something to them, do we?
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Loving God Part One
There are many people today who believe that if they are good and do more good things than bad things they can go to heaven. Well I am sorry to bursts any one's bubble, but that's not true. The only way you can get to heaven is by believing and loving God. Here is a verses to understand what I mean. 1 Corinthians 13: 1-3, "If I speak in the tongues of men and angles, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all my posses to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.
What does he mean by that? Well it means that no matter what you do,what you say you will never get in heavens gates if you don't love God.
What does he mean by that? Well it means that no matter what you do,what you say you will never get in heavens gates if you don't love God.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Following The Rules
Before I can tell you about this post I have to tell you a story. It is in First Samuel chapter 15. Okay Israel has gotten their first human king, king Saul. Now before Saul Israel did not have a king, well did not have an earthly king. Anyways God told Samuel to tell King Saul to destroy the Amalekites. Kill them and leave NOTHING behind. Basically God said Kill the Amalekites and keep nothing that was theirs, no sheep, no cattle or goats. Nothing! King Saul said "Okay" So King Saul kills all the Amalekites and burns and melts all the idols and clothes and other things. But what he does not do is destroy all the cattle and goats and sheep. He and his soldiers takes the best of the animals and keeps them. That was a BIG mistake. God tells Samuel that he is rejecting Saul as king, so Samuel says this to Saul. First Samuel chapter 15 verse 16
"Stop!" Samuel says to Saul. "Let me tell you what the Lord said to me last night"
"Tell me." Saul replied
Samuel said "Although you were once small in your eyes, did you not becomes the head of the tribes of Israel? The Lord anointed you over Israel. And he sent you on a mission, saying 'Go and completely destroy those wicked people, the Amalekites: make war until you have wiped them out' Why did you not obey the Lord? Why did you pounced the plunder and do evil in the eyes of the Lord?
"But I did obey the Lord." Saul said. I went on the mission the Lord assigned me. I completely destroyed the Amalekites and brought back Agag their king. The soldiers took sheep and cattle from the plunder, the best of what was devoted to God, in order to sacrifice them to the Lord your God at Gilgal.
But Samuel replied:
Does the Lord bring delight in burnt offerings and Scarface's as much as obeying the voice of the Lord?" To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of the rams. For rebellion's like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord he has rejected you as a king.")
You see what happens when you don't do what God says. I mean Kings Saul rejected God and looked what happend! God rejected him! If you keep reading they annoit a new king. So when God tells us to do something, we should not do it half way, we should do it all the way. Saul did it half way and he got in big trouble. So do all the steps of an order and never skip or change a step.
"Stop!" Samuel says to Saul. "Let me tell you what the Lord said to me last night"
"Tell me." Saul replied
Samuel said "Although you were once small in your eyes, did you not becomes the head of the tribes of Israel? The Lord anointed you over Israel. And he sent you on a mission, saying 'Go and completely destroy those wicked people, the Amalekites: make war until you have wiped them out' Why did you not obey the Lord? Why did you pounced the plunder and do evil in the eyes of the Lord?
"But I did obey the Lord." Saul said. I went on the mission the Lord assigned me. I completely destroyed the Amalekites and brought back Agag their king. The soldiers took sheep and cattle from the plunder, the best of what was devoted to God, in order to sacrifice them to the Lord your God at Gilgal.
But Samuel replied:
Does the Lord bring delight in burnt offerings and Scarface's as much as obeying the voice of the Lord?" To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of the rams. For rebellion's like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord he has rejected you as a king.")
You see what happens when you don't do what God says. I mean Kings Saul rejected God and looked what happend! God rejected him! If you keep reading they annoit a new king. So when God tells us to do something, we should not do it half way, we should do it all the way. Saul did it half way and he got in big trouble. So do all the steps of an order and never skip or change a step.
Monday, October 11, 2010
What is an Idol
What is an idol? Well and idol is anything that is put before God. You don't have to bow down before a golden calf or any other objects for it to become an idol. Like I said an idol can be ANYTHING, it can be money, books, anything you can think of!
How can something be an idol? When you put that object in front of God. What do I mean by that? Well when we care for something more than God or have higher attention for something other than God. So lets change that, make sure you don't have any idol before God. The Bible does say "Thou shalt have no other idols before me."
How can something be an idol? When you put that object in front of God. What do I mean by that? Well when we care for something more than God or have higher attention for something other than God. So lets change that, make sure you don't have any idol before God. The Bible does say "Thou shalt have no other idols before me."
Friday, October 8, 2010
Loving One Another
God loves EVERYONE in this world. There is no doubt about that. So why don't we? Now let me just say I know there are some people out there that loves everyone to death, so if you are one of those people good job! Keep it up! We should want to love everyone. The Bible does say love you neighbor as you would love yourself. Why does it say that? Well there are many reasons why it says that. One is that the your neighbor might not know God and rejecting or hating them will never bring them to Christ. The first part of John 3:16 says "For God so loved the world..." Do you know what that means? It means that God loved and still loves EVERYTHING in the world, including the animals, and you know what's best. God loves us so much, so so much that he sent his only son. You got to remember HIS ONLY SON. Can you imagine somebody loving you so much they would sacrifice their only son. Well God did. So we should love one another, not hate or ignore anyone. Now I know there will be times when you don't want to do that but you know what, just try your best. We are sinners and sometimes it is not easy to love everyone. But I bet if you think "God loves us so much he sent is son to die for everyone sin." Then I think it would be a little easier to love that person.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
I'm sure that you've gotten a text once with omg or t.g.i.f. in it, right? Or you've heard someone say "Oh my God," but what do you think when you hear people say that? Well one of the ten commandments say "do not misuse the name of God". And if your not using his name to glorify Him, by talking to Him or about Him, then don't say it! So, when you or a friend says, "Oh my god, this and that" remember that's against the law of God. Sometimes when my mom hears someone say it, she'll say back, "he's my God too," so funny to see the look of confusion on their face, but after that my mom will tell them all about God and how he doesn't want us to misuse he's name.
But that was just a quick thought for the day, God be with ya. Oh my God.......He is good;)
But that was just a quick thought for the day, God be with ya. Oh my God.......He is good;)
Question of the month!
You are over at a party and there serving alcohol. You know that you are not suppose to drink it. But your friends keep pressuring you to drink a glass. They start calling you a chicken and other things that really are starting to annoy you. What do you do...
A. Scream "Stop it! I will never drink it!"
B. Keep trying to change the subject.
C.Accept the drink.
D. Keep refusing.
E. Say "No" and then call your mom to pick you up and tell every one you're leaving.
A. Scream "Stop it! I will never drink it!"
B. Keep trying to change the subject.
C.Accept the drink.
D. Keep refusing.
E. Say "No" and then call your mom to pick you up and tell every one you're leaving.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Worldly Music
Some of the music we listen to today is not a good thing. I am talking about rap and rock and other music like that. The kind that sings about girlfriends and boyfriends and drinking and all those things. Teens these days look up to those kind of singers. Now even some of the country music is bad! Like the ones that talk about sex before marriage, and drinking till your drunk and have no idea where you are or what you did.
Those kind of songs are not ok to listen to. They can tempted you to do those things. So if you catch yourself humming or singing those kind of songs just switch to a different song. If you have no idea what songs are good and which ones are bad, just scroll down to the bottom of the this blog and click on one of the songs down there.
Those kind of songs are not ok to listen to. They can tempted you to do those things. So if you catch yourself humming or singing those kind of songs just switch to a different song. If you have no idea what songs are good and which ones are bad, just scroll down to the bottom of the this blog and click on one of the songs down there.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Teen suicide
I was watching a movie last night that was great. It's called, To Save A Life, maybe some of you have heard of this movie, but if you have or haven't heard of this movie I highly recommend it anyone, I must tell you it is PG-13, for teen suicide, teen partying, two cuss words, and teen pregnecy. They DO NOT show teens actualy having s@$! But what this movie is about is, a "popular" kid, Jake's, best friend, Rodger, commits suicide, because Jake had ditchted Rodger, once he became the popular basketball player. So after this tragedy with Rodger, Jake feels like he could have prevented this, and later on becomes a Christian, and Jake also "saves a life". But that's all I'm going to tell you, you have to watch the movie to find out the rest.
The basis of the movie is teen suicide, we dont really think that it happens in real life, but the fact is kids all over this contry think about it everyday, and some actually do it. One of the main reasons is they feel alone, rejected, and unloved. My point I'm trying to make is, if you see a kid that sits at a table alone by himself, go at least say hi, invite him to eat lunch with you, or befriend him. If someone just said hi to that person, they'll know someone cares about them. I know some of you maybe like, my friends won't like it or he/she creeps me out, remember that could be you! But GOD gave you the grace to let you have friends. So share the love with people who need you! Remember, be a leader.
The basis of the movie is teen suicide, we dont really think that it happens in real life, but the fact is kids all over this contry think about it everyday, and some actually do it. One of the main reasons is they feel alone, rejected, and unloved. My point I'm trying to make is, if you see a kid that sits at a table alone by himself, go at least say hi, invite him to eat lunch with you, or befriend him. If someone just said hi to that person, they'll know someone cares about them. I know some of you maybe like, my friends won't like it or he/she creeps me out, remember that could be you! But GOD gave you the grace to let you have friends. So share the love with people who need you! Remember, be a leader.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Prayer Books
There are many ways to worship God, and I believe that one way is through a prayer book. A prayer book is a a notebook that you can write to God in. It's like praying in words. You just write down what you want to say to God. I have started doing it and I think it is fun. You never know, you may be able to use your prayer books as an examples in the future. You don't have to show you book to anyone if you don't want to, and your notebook can be anything. It could be a diary or a composition notebook. I have noticed that when I write down my feelings I feel better afterwards. So why don't you grab that empty notebook that you have not written in and start writing your feelings down in a prayer book.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Being Corrected
Oh no, your mother is getting on you again about forgetting to put you clothes away, unload the dishwasher, and do your homework. The list of things just keep going. You hate the lectures that your parents give you. Some of you even think your parents are out to get you, some of you think that your parents are always getting on to you for the smallest things. But that's not true. Proverbs 12:1 says "Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid."
Now don't go ahead and think that I mean you are stupid. What I mean is that if you don't want to be corrected and learn how to be responsible than you are a fool for that. Yea, at times everyone does not want to be corrected but the Bible is saying that only a fool would not want to learn and be wise. Your parents only get on to you because they love you and they want the best for you. If they did not love you than they would not get on to you at all. They would let you do what ever you want. That might sound cool now but it's really not. You would never learn anything and when you would be on your own you would have a very hard life.
So the next time your parents get on to you about something don't grown and complain, but instead do it with love and respect. Because where would we be with out or parents, and are almighty father.
Now don't go ahead and think that I mean you are stupid. What I mean is that if you don't want to be corrected and learn how to be responsible than you are a fool for that. Yea, at times everyone does not want to be corrected but the Bible is saying that only a fool would not want to learn and be wise. Your parents only get on to you because they love you and they want the best for you. If they did not love you than they would not get on to you at all. They would let you do what ever you want. That might sound cool now but it's really not. You would never learn anything and when you would be on your own you would have a very hard life.
So the next time your parents get on to you about something don't grown and complain, but instead do it with love and respect. Because where would we be with out or parents, and are almighty father.
Friday, September 24, 2010
A Poem
Here is a poem that goes with the post on alcohol.
I went to this party mom
I remembered what you said
You told me not to drink mom
So I drank soda instead.
I felt real proud inside mom
The way you said I would
Even though all my friends mom
Told me that I should.
I know I did the right thing mom
I know your always right
The party's finally ending mom
As everyone drove out of sight.
As I got inside my car mom
I knew I'd get home in one piece
'Cause the way you made me feel mom
So responsible so sweet.
I started to drive away mom
As I pulled into the road
The other guy didn't see me mom
And hit me like a load.
I lay there on the pavement mom
I hear the policeman say
The other guy was drunk mom
Now I'm the one to pay.
I'm lying here dying mom
I wish you'd get here soon
How come this happened to me mom
My life bursted like a balloon.
There's blood all around me mom
Most of it is mine
I hear the paramedics say mom
I'll die in a short time.
He didn't know where he was going mom
He was probably at the same party as I
There's one big difference though mom
He's going to live while I die.
Why do people drink mom
It can ruin your whole life
I'm feeling sharp pains mom
Just like a burning knife.
The man who hit me mom
Is walking, it's no fair
I'm lying here dying mom
While all he does is stare.
Tell my brother not to cry mom
Tell dad to be brave
For when I'm in heaven mom
Write my name upon my grave.
Someone should have told him mom
Not to drink and drive
If they'd often take the time mom
I'd still be alive.
My breath is growing short mom
I'm becoming very scared
Please don't cry for me mom
'Cause when I needed you, you were there.
I have one last question mom
Before I say good-bye
I didn't even drink mom
So why am I the one to die.
This is the end mom
I wish I could look you in the eye
To say these final words mom
I got this poem from Jennifer Malone.
This happens to many kids. They think they are safe if they don't drink themselves but even being around someone who drinks to much or underage puts you in danger too. So don't start young and don't be around friends who do drink. But if you are around someone who drinks on accident try to make that person stop in a gentle and kind way. Being mean and pointing a fingers at them only makes them mad or worse. Remember no one ever plans to become a drunk or a drug addict, it happens but we can change that.
I went to this party mom
I remembered what you said
You told me not to drink mom
So I drank soda instead.
I felt real proud inside mom
The way you said I would
Even though all my friends mom
Told me that I should.
I know I did the right thing mom
I know your always right
The party's finally ending mom
As everyone drove out of sight.
As I got inside my car mom
I knew I'd get home in one piece
'Cause the way you made me feel mom
So responsible so sweet.
I started to drive away mom
As I pulled into the road
The other guy didn't see me mom
And hit me like a load.
I lay there on the pavement mom
I hear the policeman say
The other guy was drunk mom
Now I'm the one to pay.
I'm lying here dying mom
I wish you'd get here soon
How come this happened to me mom
My life bursted like a balloon.
There's blood all around me mom
Most of it is mine
I hear the paramedics say mom
I'll die in a short time.
He didn't know where he was going mom
He was probably at the same party as I
There's one big difference though mom
He's going to live while I die.
Why do people drink mom
It can ruin your whole life
I'm feeling sharp pains mom
Just like a burning knife.
The man who hit me mom
Is walking, it's no fair
I'm lying here dying mom
While all he does is stare.
Tell my brother not to cry mom
Tell dad to be brave
For when I'm in heaven mom
Write my name upon my grave.
Someone should have told him mom
Not to drink and drive
If they'd often take the time mom
I'd still be alive.
My breath is growing short mom
I'm becoming very scared
Please don't cry for me mom
'Cause when I needed you, you were there.
I have one last question mom
Before I say good-bye
I didn't even drink mom
So why am I the one to die.
This is the end mom
I wish I could look you in the eye
To say these final words mom
I got this poem from Jennifer Malone.
This happens to many kids. They think they are safe if they don't drink themselves but even being around someone who drinks to much or underage puts you in danger too. So don't start young and don't be around friends who do drink. But if you are around someone who drinks on accident try to make that person stop in a gentle and kind way. Being mean and pointing a fingers at them only makes them mad or worse. Remember no one ever plans to become a drunk or a drug addict, it happens but we can change that.
We as Christians have lots of temptations, Satan has set in our path, but GOD has given us the bible to help us over come those temptations.
There are so many harmless temptations (we think harmless NOT).
For example music and T.V. , probably the smartest temptation Satan has given us. T.V., just about everyone watches it. But think, what do we watch? MTV, VH1, and others.
What do you watch on those channels? Would you watch that in front of Jesus Christ himself? Well you do! Why do we watch these T.V. channels/shows?
Jeremiah 10:2- This is what the Lord says, do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the sky, though the nations are terrified by them.
We dont have to do what the world does, you maybe will be teased, but your not the only one! All it takes is one person, to change this whole world. If your a born leader, then LEAD their are lots of followers who will follow you, and if leading is hard for you, then find someone who has the same mind like you, and follow them. People want to be where there is power, and if your following someone with this same idea they'll also follow.
There are so many harmless temptations (we think harmless NOT).
For example music and T.V. , probably the smartest temptation Satan has given us. T.V., just about everyone watches it. But think, what do we watch? MTV, VH1, and others.
What do you watch on those channels? Would you watch that in front of Jesus Christ himself? Well you do! Why do we watch these T.V. channels/shows?
Jeremiah 10:2- This is what the Lord says, do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the sky, though the nations are terrified by them.
We dont have to do what the world does, you maybe will be teased, but your not the only one! All it takes is one person, to change this whole world. If your a born leader, then LEAD their are lots of followers who will follow you, and if leading is hard for you, then find someone who has the same mind like you, and follow them. People want to be where there is power, and if your following someone with this same idea they'll also follow.
Monday, September 20, 2010
The Abuse of Alcohol
Two friends named Dave and Matt went to middle school together. As they progressed through the year they started to loose their friendship. Dave had met a bunch of kids who drank alcohol. One night while driving drunk with one of his knew friends. Dave got in a car accident. He survived but his friend did not.
There are some teenagers these days that drink alcohol. Alcohol is something that can hurt and even kill you if you use it in an irresponsible way. Studies show that there are 11 million teens in this country that drink and, 7.2 Binge drink. What is binge drinking? Well Kids health.org say this. "Binge drinking used to mean drinking heavily over several days. Now, however, the term refers to the heavy consumption of alcohol over a short period of time (just as binge eating means a specific period of uncontrolled overeating)."
Can you imagine how Dave felt. If he had not started drinking he would not have lost his friend. This tragedy happens to many teens these days, and they will probably never forget it. Many families are ruined by alcohol. I am not saying that alcohol is bad, I am just saying that drinking under your age is not good. Drinking to much for anyone is bad. Your body is not made to drink huge amounts of alcohol so why push your luck? So if someone offers you a drink and you are not 21, then refuse it. There is a reason why you have to be 21 to drink.
There are some teenagers these days that drink alcohol. Alcohol is something that can hurt and even kill you if you use it in an irresponsible way. Studies show that there are 11 million teens in this country that drink and, 7.2 Binge drink. What is binge drinking? Well Kids health.org say this. "Binge drinking used to mean drinking heavily over several days. Now, however, the term refers to the heavy consumption of alcohol over a short period of time (just as binge eating means a specific period of uncontrolled overeating)."
Can you imagine how Dave felt. If he had not started drinking he would not have lost his friend. This tragedy happens to many teens these days, and they will probably never forget it. Many families are ruined by alcohol. I am not saying that alcohol is bad, I am just saying that drinking under your age is not good. Drinking to much for anyone is bad. Your body is not made to drink huge amounts of alcohol so why push your luck? So if someone offers you a drink and you are not 21, then refuse it. There is a reason why you have to be 21 to drink.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
What is Wisdom
Wisdom, such a different word and so is its meaning. So do you know what wisdom mean? Well I can tell you one thing, it is NOT knowledge. Wisdom is the "ability to judge correctly and to follow the best course of action, based on knowledge and understanding" You see yes knowledge does have a part in it, but the smartest person in the world could not have wisdom. Also many people say wisdom comes with age, but it really doesn't! You could be sixty years old and not have wisdom. Proverbs 1:7 says "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but fools despise wisdom and discipline."
You could be ten years old and be wiser than a twenty year old. The only reason why older people seem to be smarter is because they have been in this world longer than you and have learned lessons. But you can learn from someones lessons, you can learn the history of other people so you won't make their mistakes. That is why it is good to learn history also. A good place to learn about wisdom is in the book of Proverbs it is full of it you can't miss it. Try to read your Bible everyday you can learn from the mistakes in the Bible and you can get closer to God.
You could be ten years old and be wiser than a twenty year old. The only reason why older people seem to be smarter is because they have been in this world longer than you and have learned lessons. But you can learn from someones lessons, you can learn the history of other people so you won't make their mistakes. That is why it is good to learn history also. A good place to learn about wisdom is in the book of Proverbs it is full of it you can't miss it. Try to read your Bible everyday you can learn from the mistakes in the Bible and you can get closer to God.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Trends Part 2
The second trend that we have in this world today is a language trend. Long ago we would always have to say "Yes mam" or " Yes sir" Now we say "yea" "okay" "whatever". We have really changed our way with words. If you said anything other than "Yes mam" or "Yes sir" twenty or thirty years ago you would get in trouble. I am not saying we should go back to saying all those proper things but I am saying we should watch what we say. When we speak we should speak out of love and kindness not the other way around. Just think what would Jesus say? What would he think when he hears you when you say something bad. A way to know if it is okay to say what you're going to say, is think who would be happy by what I said? Jesus or Satan? Would Jesus say this or would Satan? It is okay to say words that are a knew trend but just remember, is this a good word to say or would it just hurt someone?
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Dating or courtship
Remember, this is just my opinion, but I believe in courting over dating. There is nothing wrong with desiring the opposite sex, God created us to be this way and it is a beautiful and wonderful gift when used in the way God intended. So, how did God intend us to use these feelings? The bible does not give us any information on dating, but it does give us insight to marriage when it says, "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." Genesis 2:24 and Matthew 19:5. And in Ephesians 5:3 "But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people."
So, what is dating anyway?
Dating is when two people go out together either alone or with others with no immediate intent of marriage. After they have gone out together a few times, the relationship seems to naturally move to the next "phase in the relationship" and you may want to kiss or other stuff. It is this part when you feel pressure and there is usually nobody there to help you out, so you may go ahead and "kiss". Once you have done this the first time, it doesn't seem so bad, so you keep doing it or maybe even advancing to the "next level of the relationship". You feel fine, until you break up and then you feel terrible. So, how do you deal with your pain? You find all the negative things about that person, so you don't feel so bad about losing them. When the next person comes along, you have already sized up all the unappealing things about them before they have the chance to "dump" you, so it won't sting so bad. Also, it is easier to "move to the next level of the relationship" because you have already been there and done that. You have lost part of your innocence.
Once Mr. or Mrs. Right finally does come along, you are jaded and find all the unappealing things about them before the relationship really even starts. This can lead to fights and divorce. The beautiful gift that God intended marriage to be has now been beaten up to the point that you don't even recognize it as a gift. You don't look at your spouse with the same adoration you saw in your "first" love or have the same innocence you had back then, it is lost forever.
That is not to say that you can't have a good or great marriage if you chose to date, it just makes it more challenging.
God gives us commands to benefit us and himself. It may seem harsh and unrealistic to wait until you are married, but God will bless that obedience. It will save us heartache and save us from being disciplined.
So, what is courting?
Courting is when two people who are ready to get married see each other with family or a friend around to chaparone. Courting is when the man will go to the woman's house, and eat dinner with the family. This way your parents will get to know them and so will the man get to know your family, that way there's no nightmare in-laws. Also, you wont feel pressure to have to kiss that person if you don't want to. The girl's father protects her from being in an uncomfortable position because he will end it if the girl is not interested and protect her from unwanted contact.Courting is a good way to find that Mr./Mrs. right. Your heart wont get broken and you keep your body pure for your future spouse, the way God intended. That adoration you have for your first love will always be for your spouse and you won't look for the negative in him or try to keep your heart from getting broken, you will trust each other without fear.
Think about this, back in the 1900s and down people courted back then and you hardly ever heard of someone getting a divorce, but now you nearly hear it all the time about people getting a divorce.
Remember this was just my opinion on dating or courting. Thank you so much for taking your time to read this.
I would love to hear your opinions on the matter in a Christ like way.
So, what is dating anyway?
Dating is when two people go out together either alone or with others with no immediate intent of marriage. After they have gone out together a few times, the relationship seems to naturally move to the next "phase in the relationship" and you may want to kiss or other stuff. It is this part when you feel pressure and there is usually nobody there to help you out, so you may go ahead and "kiss". Once you have done this the first time, it doesn't seem so bad, so you keep doing it or maybe even advancing to the "next level of the relationship". You feel fine, until you break up and then you feel terrible. So, how do you deal with your pain? You find all the negative things about that person, so you don't feel so bad about losing them. When the next person comes along, you have already sized up all the unappealing things about them before they have the chance to "dump" you, so it won't sting so bad. Also, it is easier to "move to the next level of the relationship" because you have already been there and done that. You have lost part of your innocence.
Once Mr. or Mrs. Right finally does come along, you are jaded and find all the unappealing things about them before the relationship really even starts. This can lead to fights and divorce. The beautiful gift that God intended marriage to be has now been beaten up to the point that you don't even recognize it as a gift. You don't look at your spouse with the same adoration you saw in your "first" love or have the same innocence you had back then, it is lost forever.
That is not to say that you can't have a good or great marriage if you chose to date, it just makes it more challenging.
God gives us commands to benefit us and himself. It may seem harsh and unrealistic to wait until you are married, but God will bless that obedience. It will save us heartache and save us from being disciplined.
So, what is courting?
Courting is when two people who are ready to get married see each other with family or a friend around to chaparone. Courting is when the man will go to the woman's house, and eat dinner with the family. This way your parents will get to know them and so will the man get to know your family, that way there's no nightmare in-laws. Also, you wont feel pressure to have to kiss that person if you don't want to. The girl's father protects her from being in an uncomfortable position because he will end it if the girl is not interested and protect her from unwanted contact.Courting is a good way to find that Mr./Mrs. right. Your heart wont get broken and you keep your body pure for your future spouse, the way God intended. That adoration you have for your first love will always be for your spouse and you won't look for the negative in him or try to keep your heart from getting broken, you will trust each other without fear.
Think about this, back in the 1900s and down people courted back then and you hardly ever heard of someone getting a divorce, but now you nearly hear it all the time about people getting a divorce.
Remember this was just my opinion on dating or courting. Thank you so much for taking your time to read this.
I would love to hear your opinions on the matter in a Christ like way.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Question of the month
Now that school has started, I thought we could do a question involving school.
You see the school's new kid being picked on you.......
A. Keep on walking
B. Help pick on the kid
C. Tell them to stop
D. Go get a teacher
Please answer truthfully even if it's something your ashamed of.
Thanks for your support!!!! :D
You see the school's new kid being picked on you.......
A. Keep on walking
B. Help pick on the kid
C. Tell them to stop
D. Go get a teacher
Please answer truthfully even if it's something your ashamed of.
Thanks for your support!!!! :D
Monday, September 6, 2010
Trends Part One
Everyone always wants to look in style, have the cutest clothes and never wear last years trends. Why. Because everybody wants to fit in and be cool. What does trend mean? Well it means a lot of things, but I am talking about fashion trend which means the popular taste at a given time. What does it mean by any given time? Well it means that at any given time a trend can come up. A hundred years ago women wore long dresses and petticoats, today were wear pants and shirts. Only a few weeks ago I went to my friends band concert that was at a football game, and afterwards I saw the most immodest shirt that I have ever saw! There was a girl who wore a normal T-shirt or I thought. Because when I came a little bit closer I could see that she had cut the sides so low that is was only a half of an inch from ripping into which showed her bra and everything! So lets start a new trend. A modest trend a that will please God, because MODEST IS HOTTEST!!!
Faith part 2
I'm sure some of you that are reading this have a parent the was laid-off because of the economy. Well, my dad was laid-off about a year ago. We were so upset, but we kept our faith in God and prayed, let your will be done. God must of heard our prayers because about 4 months later another company gave him a job offer. We knew that, that would of never happened if we had never kept our faith in God.
My point is that all things are possible as long as you keep your faith in God. I'm not saying that if your faithful in God and pray to him for the latest iPhone, no it needs to be things that honor God.
I'll be praying for all y'all out the whose parent was laid-off!
My point is that all things are possible as long as you keep your faith in God. I'm not saying that if your faithful in God and pray to him for the latest iPhone, no it needs to be things that honor God.
I'll be praying for all y'all out the whose parent was laid-off!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Armor of God
So, this morning I was reading in Ephesians 6:10-13 and it was talking about the armor of God. But, reading it today really opened my eyes. When I hear my Sunday school teacher talk about it I get an idea that well..... it's a kid thing. But reading this today I realized that, the armor of God is a real thing that will help you with your relationship with God. Here is how my study bible explains the armor of God.
Belt - Truth, Satan fights with lies, and sometimes his lies sound like the truth; but only believers have Gods truth which can defeat Satan's lies
Breastplate - Righteousness, The devil often attacks our heart, the seat of our emotions, self-worth, and trust. God's righteousness protects our heart, and ensures his approval.
Foot gear - Readiness to spread the Good News, Satan wants us to think that spreading the gospel is hopeless a waste of your time, but the foot gear God gives us encourages us to proclaim the true peace that is available in God - news everyone needs to hear.
Shield - Faith, What we see are attacks from Satan in the form of, insults, setbacks, and temptations. But the shield of faith protects us from Satan's flaming arrows. And victory is ours!
Helmet - Salvation, Satan wants to make us doubt God, Jesus, and our salvation. The helmet protects our mind from doubting God's saving work for us.
Sword - Word of God, The sword is the only weapon of offense in this list of armor. There are times when WE need to take the offensive against Satan. When we are tempted, we need to trust in the truth of God's word.
Hope this helped you as much as it did for me!
Belt - Truth, Satan fights with lies, and sometimes his lies sound like the truth; but only believers have Gods truth which can defeat Satan's lies
Breastplate - Righteousness, The devil often attacks our heart, the seat of our emotions, self-worth, and trust. God's righteousness protects our heart, and ensures his approval.
Foot gear - Readiness to spread the Good News, Satan wants us to think that spreading the gospel is hopeless a waste of your time, but the foot gear God gives us encourages us to proclaim the true peace that is available in God - news everyone needs to hear.
Shield - Faith, What we see are attacks from Satan in the form of, insults, setbacks, and temptations. But the shield of faith protects us from Satan's flaming arrows. And victory is ours!
Helmet - Salvation, Satan wants to make us doubt God, Jesus, and our salvation. The helmet protects our mind from doubting God's saving work for us.
Sword - Word of God, The sword is the only weapon of offense in this list of armor. There are times when WE need to take the offensive against Satan. When we are tempted, we need to trust in the truth of God's word.
Hope this helped you as much as it did for me!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Faith Part 1
Everyone falls at times in their faith, but the most important thing is to recover and learn from that fall. Faith is a hard thing to be strong in, there are lots of temptations out there just waiting to tear you down. WAIT, I know what your thinking "tear me down, WHAT!" Now there are people out there that are going to TRY to tear you down, but remember, you can do all things through Christ! We can stand strong in our faith if you just surrender to God and let Him speak through you and I promise you wont look like an idiot. God is with us.
Why do teens date? I have always wondered why but never really thought about for a long time. Many teens these day do date, and why? Is it because they think you're cool, because they feel like they need more attention, or is because they think it is time t start dating. It could be any of these reasons, there are probably even more, but are you really old enough to date I mean REALLY? Hear, listen to these facts I read in Purity for Teens.
91% of all girls who began to date at age of 12 have sex before graduation.
56% of all girls who began to date at age of 13 have sex before graduation.
53% of all girls who began to date at age of 14 have sex before graduation.
40% of all girls who began to date at age of 15 have sex before graduation.
20% of all girls who began to date at age of 16 have sex before graduation.
WOW! That is crazy, if you think of it that way, we really should wait for the right guy or girl, you know. Many teens these days really don't think about what does it really mean to date. Is it to have fun? Not even close, you date you when think it is time to have a marriage. So I really don't think you need to be married at 15. Another thing you really need to know is that BEFORE you date you need to be able to stand on your own feet. If you can't be yourself without someone with you then you are NOT ready to date AT ALL. If a guy or girl says "You complete me" Stop the relationship right then and there. So do yourself a favor, date when you are ready to marry and when you can stand on your own feet.
91% of all girls who began to date at age of 12 have sex before graduation.
56% of all girls who began to date at age of 13 have sex before graduation.
53% of all girls who began to date at age of 14 have sex before graduation.
40% of all girls who began to date at age of 15 have sex before graduation.
20% of all girls who began to date at age of 16 have sex before graduation.
WOW! That is crazy, if you think of it that way, we really should wait for the right guy or girl, you know. Many teens these days really don't think about what does it really mean to date. Is it to have fun? Not even close, you date you when think it is time to have a marriage. So I really don't think you need to be married at 15. Another thing you really need to know is that BEFORE you date you need to be able to stand on your own feet. If you can't be yourself without someone with you then you are NOT ready to date AT ALL. If a guy or girl says "You complete me" Stop the relationship right then and there. So do yourself a favor, date when you are ready to marry and when you can stand on your own feet.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Modesty is one of those topics that people don't like to talk about, especially people in the church. We don't want to judge each other, so instead we tend to make it seem like we approve of dress that we know is not pleasing to God. But, what does the Bible say about that?
1 Corinthians 5:11-14 says But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexuall immoral or greedy, and idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat. What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. "Expel the wicked man from among you."
Wow, that is pretty powerful, but we must also remember that the bible tells us in Galatians 6:1-Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
We are all sinners. We all make mistakes. We all need help. Sometimes just setting a good example of dress is a help to those around you. Gently restoring each other means doing it in a loving way, a way that you know you are not any better. Modesty starts in the heart. We must have a heart for the things of Jesus and a desire to do what is right for him. He tells us to be pure because he knows that we are easily tempted and one immodest dress could cause many guys to have a lustful thought. We are not supposed to cause our brothers to sin. So, take a second to glance at yourself in the mirror and make sure that what you are wearing will not cause your brother in Christ to sin. Modest is hottest and we can look great without showing too much skin. Can you raise and praise? Raise your arms in praise to God without your tummy showing. Can you kneel without reveal? Kneel to God without your undies or your bum showing. Is your chest covered? These are just a few things that can cause guys to sin. Lets first change our heart then change our dress. Read Ephesians 5, it gives us some great examples on how to act.
What are some stumbling blocks for you?
1 Corinthians 5:11-14 says But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexuall immoral or greedy, and idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat. What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. "Expel the wicked man from among you."
Wow, that is pretty powerful, but we must also remember that the bible tells us in Galatians 6:1-Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
We are all sinners. We all make mistakes. We all need help. Sometimes just setting a good example of dress is a help to those around you. Gently restoring each other means doing it in a loving way, a way that you know you are not any better. Modesty starts in the heart. We must have a heart for the things of Jesus and a desire to do what is right for him. He tells us to be pure because he knows that we are easily tempted and one immodest dress could cause many guys to have a lustful thought. We are not supposed to cause our brothers to sin. So, take a second to glance at yourself in the mirror and make sure that what you are wearing will not cause your brother in Christ to sin. Modest is hottest and we can look great without showing too much skin. Can you raise and praise? Raise your arms in praise to God without your tummy showing. Can you kneel without reveal? Kneel to God without your undies or your bum showing. Is your chest covered? These are just a few things that can cause guys to sin. Lets first change our heart then change our dress. Read Ephesians 5, it gives us some great examples on how to act.
What are some stumbling blocks for you?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Letters to God
I'm writing my post about the movie, Letters to God. Before I start, let me say I HIGHLY recommend this movie. Letters to God is a true story about Tyler, a 9yr. old boy who is diagnosed with a brain tumor that is highly fatal (there's still a chance), who writes these letters to God, which are basically prayers. It was amazing the faith this 9yr. old boy has. Even though he's at death's door he never asks God why he's sick or gets mad at God for making him sick, all he writes about is for God to help other people. But, I'm not going to tell you any more, because you need to watch it yourself!
We need to be like Tyler and be strong in our faith, never underestimate God. He always has a plan for whatever might be happening in your life, bad or good.
We need to be like Tyler and be strong in our faith, never underestimate God. He always has a plan for whatever might be happening in your life, bad or good.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Worldly Attachment
What is your most favorite thing in the world? Is it your i-pod or your cell phone? We have so many things in America that other countries don't have. Many people from other countries think of us as spoiled people who would rather by steaks instead of donating food to the closest food drive. I would'nt blame them! I am not saying that everyone in Amercia is a spoiled brat, but there are some people out there that sure do act like one. If we could just forget about that new shirt or those super hot pants and think... "Do I really need these things or do I just want them to impress someone?" I mean there are children out there who only have one cloth around their waist, and they call that clothes. God did say that it is easier for a poor man to go to heaven that a rich man. Why? Because a poor man is thankful for every little thing he gets and some rich people complain because the steak is to tough! So do yourself a favor don't be like those snooty rich people everyone dislikes, be the person that has everyone as friends and is close to God.
A Heart for God
How do we have a heart for God? How do we even know what is right and what is not right? James 4:8 says Come near to God and he will come near to you.
Just a temperature check for us--but how often do you read your bible? How often do you pray--really pray? Do you keep a prayer journal to remember the things and people that you promised to pray about?
Should we have a set time each day that we read our bibles and pray or should it just be whenever? Do you thank God for the things he has done and is doing or do you just present your list of requests for the day? Do you love God, I mean really love God?
PROVE IT! Go above and beyond for him, he did for you.
Just a temperature check for us--but how often do you read your bible? How often do you pray--really pray? Do you keep a prayer journal to remember the things and people that you promised to pray about?
Should we have a set time each day that we read our bibles and pray or should it just be whenever? Do you thank God for the things he has done and is doing or do you just present your list of requests for the day? Do you love God, I mean really love God?
PROVE IT! Go above and beyond for him, he did for you.
Everybody please vote on our polls, because the bathing suit and gossip one are closing down tonight!!!!
Vote soon:)
Vote soon:)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Choosing the Right Friends.
Choosing the right friends can actually really help you out a lot. How? Well it is quit simple if you have good friends, they can help you in a time of need. They are always positive and loving. Good godly friends can help you through times of trials in a good way, but bad friends are different. When you pick friends that cut up in class and are very disrespectful, trouble is just around the corner. You will be pressured to do things that you know are wrong and you will have a negative crowd which is so bad for your skin!( Just kidding with you!)
Proverbs 12:26 Says "A righteous man is cautions in friendship, but they way of the wicked leads them astray." You see what I mean if you choose good friends you can stay on the right path but if you choose bad friends than you will lead astray from God. It is okay to talk to people that are astray from God so you can spread Gods word, but it is not okay to look up them. Many teens these days get pressured into doing smoothing that they know they should not be doing, so don't end up like a person who leads astray stay on the right path and strand straight and tall.
Proverbs 12:26 Says "A righteous man is cautions in friendship, but they way of the wicked leads them astray." You see what I mean if you choose good friends you can stay on the right path but if you choose bad friends than you will lead astray from God. It is okay to talk to people that are astray from God so you can spread Gods word, but it is not okay to look up them. Many teens these days get pressured into doing smoothing that they know they should not be doing, so don't end up like a person who leads astray stay on the right path and strand straight and tall.
What is Purity?
Lots of people have asked, "What exactly is purity?"
Well, one thing purity is not, is having sex before marriage *GASP* people can actually do that? Yes, lots of people can and will do that, and those people who do that have real strong relationships.
Purity is not just keeping your body pure, but also your mind, actions, and words. Then how do you keep your mind, actions, and words pure? Well, to keep your mind pure you need to think good things, not bad things. What are bad things we can think about? -- How hot that guy/girl was, I'm not saying it's bad to have a crush on a guy/girl because GOD created us to want the opposite sex. But, when you are always thinking about him/her that is when your mind becomes impure. Thinking all the time about anything or desiring anything can make your mind impure.
Another thing that is impure is dating when you are not even old enough. When you are thirteen do you really need to date? I mean seriously! Do you really expect to get married in the next three years!
Another one is impure words. What are impure words? Impure words can be, gossip, crude jokes, bragging, and anything not glorifying GOD.
We all do these things, don't deny it, confess it to GOD and get it off your chest. Let's try to stop the impurity in in this world!
Well, one thing purity is not, is having sex before marriage *GASP* people can actually do that? Yes, lots of people can and will do that, and those people who do that have real strong relationships.
Purity is not just keeping your body pure, but also your mind, actions, and words. Then how do you keep your mind, actions, and words pure? Well, to keep your mind pure you need to think good things, not bad things. What are bad things we can think about? -- How hot that guy/girl was, I'm not saying it's bad to have a crush on a guy/girl because GOD created us to want the opposite sex. But, when you are always thinking about him/her that is when your mind becomes impure. Thinking all the time about anything or desiring anything can make your mind impure.
Another thing that is impure is dating when you are not even old enough. When you are thirteen do you really need to date? I mean seriously! Do you really expect to get married in the next three years!
Another one is impure words. What are impure words? Impure words can be, gossip, crude jokes, bragging, and anything not glorifying GOD.
We all do these things, don't deny it, confess it to GOD and get it off your chest. Let's try to stop the impurity in in this world!
Having Fun
Everyone loves to have fun. And "fun" has a different meaning for a lot of people, but what should "fun" mean to a Christian?
Some people think it is fun to pick on their brother or sister; others think it is fun to watch someone else get hurt have something bad happen to them. Some people think it is fun to hear a crude joke or tell a crude joke, while others may think it is more fun to play a nasty joke on someone. But, it that really fun?
I heard someone say once, "If it is not fun for everyone, then it is not fun." I think a lot of times we tend to confuse mean behavior with fun, but we would not want someone to do or say that to us.
I wonder what God considers fun?
As Christians, people should be able to look at us and our lives and say, "Now, that is true fun." People should see that we can be joyful, fun, and happy because the Holy Spirit is inside us. They should be able to see us laughing and having fun at things that are nice and good. We should be the example. Don't you have fun and laugh when playing a game with others and everyone is having a good time? Don't you find joy in seeing someone else being joyful?
There are so many ways that we can show the world how great our God is and I believe that one of those is to show the world how much joy and fun we can have as Christians. Then be prepared to give them an answer when they ask why---this is a great way for us to witness to others.
Some people think it is fun to pick on their brother or sister; others think it is fun to watch someone else get hurt have something bad happen to them. Some people think it is fun to hear a crude joke or tell a crude joke, while others may think it is more fun to play a nasty joke on someone. But, it that really fun?
I heard someone say once, "If it is not fun for everyone, then it is not fun." I think a lot of times we tend to confuse mean behavior with fun, but we would not want someone to do or say that to us.
I wonder what God considers fun?
As Christians, people should be able to look at us and our lives and say, "Now, that is true fun." People should see that we can be joyful, fun, and happy because the Holy Spirit is inside us. They should be able to see us laughing and having fun at things that are nice and good. We should be the example. Don't you have fun and laugh when playing a game with others and everyone is having a good time? Don't you find joy in seeing someone else being joyful?
There are so many ways that we can show the world how great our God is and I believe that one of those is to show the world how much joy and fun we can have as Christians. Then be prepared to give them an answer when they ask why---this is a great way for us to witness to others.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Eating Disorders
An eating disorder is a sad and common thing that teens can have. They usually start when a teen has low-self esteem about themselves and how they look. They feel like they won't fit in because their "To fat." Then they create an eating disorder. There a two different kinds of eating disorders. One is anorexia and the other is bulimia. When a teenager has anorexia, they may take diet pills and excessive exercise. They are petrified to gain weight, they may check themselves in the mirror countless times a day. If not treated anorexia can cause death. One out of a hundred girls have anorexia. 50% of all the girls with anorexia fully recover, 30% have residual symptoms through out life and 20% have chronic which leads to death of complications or suicide. Eating disorders happen to more girls than boys, because there is more pressure on girls than there are boys.
The other eating disorder is bulimia. When a teen has bulimia she will over eat at least twice a week, and then she will be upset from over eating and try to eject all the food she has. Sometimes they will take diuretics (water pills), or enemas. Adolescents with bulimia may periodically skip meals, restrict food or engage in over exercising. In spite of this, most people with bulimia are of normal weight. Many people who have this eating disorder will have depression and will hurt themselves by cutting and burning themselves. If not treated in a matter of time their teeth could rot out from all of the vomiting and have swollen salivary glands, electrolyte and mineral imbalances, long lasting disruption of normal bowel function, erosion of the dental enamel, and rarely, tearing or rupturing of the esophagus or stomach or heart irregularities. Like anorexia 50% recover fully, 30% change somewhat, and 20% still have it. Although long term studies show that eventually the person will turn to help.
Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness The mortality rate associated with anorexia is 12 times higher than the death rate of ALL causes of death for females 15 – 24 years old. Anorexia is the 3rd most common chronic illness among adolescents. An estimate of a 1,000 women die each year from anorexia. It is a sad thing that is very common these days. So do yourself a favor don't worry about your weight so much that you become obsessive over it, because not only does it hurt you, but it hurts your family. If you know anyone who has these eating disorders get help fast before it is to late.
The other eating disorder is bulimia. When a teen has bulimia she will over eat at least twice a week, and then she will be upset from over eating and try to eject all the food she has. Sometimes they will take diuretics (water pills), or enemas. Adolescents with bulimia may periodically skip meals, restrict food or engage in over exercising. In spite of this, most people with bulimia are of normal weight. Many people who have this eating disorder will have depression and will hurt themselves by cutting and burning themselves. If not treated in a matter of time their teeth could rot out from all of the vomiting and have swollen salivary glands, electrolyte and mineral imbalances, long lasting disruption of normal bowel function, erosion of the dental enamel, and rarely, tearing or rupturing of the esophagus or stomach or heart irregularities. Like anorexia 50% recover fully, 30% change somewhat, and 20% still have it. Although long term studies show that eventually the person will turn to help.
Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness The mortality rate associated with anorexia is 12 times higher than the death rate of ALL causes of death for females 15 – 24 years old. Anorexia is the 3rd most common chronic illness among adolescents. An estimate of a 1,000 women die each year from anorexia. It is a sad thing that is very common these days. So do yourself a favor don't worry about your weight so much that you become obsessive over it, because not only does it hurt you, but it hurts your family. If you know anyone who has these eating disorders get help fast before it is to late.
Friday, August 20, 2010
The Three Enemies
I bet you are already wondering, "What in the world do you mean by the three enemies?" Well, when I mean enemies I mean the enemies that tempt us, which are the world, the flesh, and the devil. All of them have a little part in tempting us to lose our purity. We must fight back to keep our purity safe and strong. The world tempts us by putting sinful movies, songs, pictures, and books everywhere for us to see. The flesh tempts us by its own selfish thoughs to want to be independent of God, which is not right. Last but not least, the devil tempts us. He is the one that put evil thoughs into you mind, so we must be careful about what we watch, what we see, and what we listen to and what we read. Because the enemies are always on guard waiting and watching for the best time to attack. We must be on guard too, so the next time you think, watch, or say something, remind yourself who is pressuring me to do this, God or the three enemies.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Peer pressure--good or bad?
Is peer pressure a good thing or a bad thing? It can be both depending on the situation. If you feel pressured to do something that you know is right, then it is a good thing. But, if you feel pressured to do something that you know is wrong, then it is a bad thing.
So, what can we do when we are faced with pressure in a bad situation?
First, we should pray for God to show us the way out. (1 Corinthians 10:13...And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.) It is hard because we want to be accepted by each other and we don't want others to think we are weird, but inside we want to do what is right.
Second, we can change the subject or challenge the other people to do what is right. (Hebrew 10:38-But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be plased with him. (1 Peter 3:15 Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness ad respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.)
Third, we can walk away. We should ask ourselves if these are really a good friend if they are asking us to do something that is not right or maybe they just don't know that it is not right. Don't judge, but don't sin either.
So, what can we do when we are faced with pressure in a bad situation?
First, we should pray for God to show us the way out. (1 Corinthians 10:13...And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.) It is hard because we want to be accepted by each other and we don't want others to think we are weird, but inside we want to do what is right.
Second, we can change the subject or challenge the other people to do what is right. (Hebrew 10:38-But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be plased with him. (1 Peter 3:15 Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness ad respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.)
Third, we can walk away. We should ask ourselves if these are really a good friend if they are asking us to do something that is not right or maybe they just don't know that it is not right. Don't judge, but don't sin either.
The Worry of Looks
Your alarm rings, you put the snooze on and ten minutes later you are rushing to throw on the cutest outfit that you have. You then turn to the clock and gasp. You have only twenty minutes to eat breakfast, hunt for your book bag, and lather yourself with your Mary Kay makeup. Does this sound familiar to you? Well, if you are a girl, it really should. Girls are aways worrying about looks and from what I have heard guys do too. We always want to look our best and have people say "Wow you look amazing!" Doesn't everyone? Did you know that out of a hundred teenagers between the ages of thirteen and seventeen there are one to two teens that have an eating disorder? That is a lot, when there are 25 to 28 million teenagers. We girls are always trying to have the cutest clothes and the hottest makeup if that's true, why? God made your face with such care, and God never makes mistakes, so he made your face just like it is. Why do you want to cover yourself with makeup? You won't be able to see the real you. You're hiding behind a product that just makes you look like you are too embarrassed to show your real face and He doesn't want you to cover his beautiful creation with a man made product that just wastes your time and money. God made your face too pretty to hide behind makeup. I am not saying that makeup is bad. It is just when you cover your whole face with it, some lipstick or eye liner is not bad. So what do you say, do you agree with? Come on girls, lets stop worrying about the way we look, being modest and having matching clothes is one thing, but worrying if you look awful is another.
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