Thursday, December 1, 2011

Lemons make Lemonade!

     Sometimes we don't have a choice.  Sometimes things just happen to us, and we can't do anything about it.  Nothing at all.  We just have to accept it.  But sometimes that's not very easy.  Sometimes we think, "What if I just did this..."  Sometimes we are just born into something, and no matter how far you try to get away from it you just can't.  So what do you do?  Go crawl in the corner and cry?  Nope.  Make lemonade!!!!  (Not literally)  Have you ever heard the saying, "If you have lemons, then make lemonade."  Well sometimes we get into a sour situation.  And there's nothing we can do to fix it.  So what do you do?  Accept the fact and move on.  Pick up the fallen pieces and move on, then if you are ever in that same situation you know what to do. 

I am

     This is the last post for the Names of God series.  So for the last one I decided to do my favorite name for God, which are the "I Am's"  God is so many things, He is the vine and we are the branch, He is the way the truth and the life, He is the light of the world, He is the sacrifice for our sin, and SO much more.  He is everything that we need, "I am what I am" that's what He told Moses.  He is everything that we need, if you need a comforter He's there, if you need a friend He's there.  You need a strong foundation He's there.  You need a redeemer He's there.  You need a savior, life,or a miracle, He's there.  He will always be there for you and He will never leave you. Never ever, ever, ever, leave you.  He loves you,and He is everything that we need, and more.