Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Year

     I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! Now that Christmas is over a new "Holiday" comes around, it is called New Years.  Now in the New Year many people make goals.  Some are to lose a certain amount of weight, others are to quite smoking.  But, you know what?  We need to make goals for the New Year too.  Goals that will bring us closer to God.  My goal for the New Year is to read the whole Bible in a year.  Also to write in a journal everyday.  Make your goals for the New Year, and try to keep them.  If Satan tries to distract you, then ask God to stop Satan and just do it!  Have a great night and see you next year! : o )

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry CHRISTmas

Merry Christmas everyone!  I hope you remember the true meaning of Christmas.  It's not about the presents.  It's not about you getting the new i-pod, or anything like that.  It's about Christ being born.  It's about the one of the greatest history in life. the best thing in history is Christ dying on the cross for our sins.  It's about Christ being born and about thirty three years later Him dying on the cross to save of our sins.  This was the greatest night that has ever happened. The Son of God being born. Him full filling the prophecy that was laid down many years ago.  Before even King Cesar was even born, before Joseph and Mary and her generation before her was even created. About thirty years later the greatest sacrifice happened and it will always be the greatest sacrifice. The SON of God, okay do you understand what I mean?  The SON OF GOD, God's ONLY Son.  Was whipped with a cat of nine tails.  Which is a whip with shards of glass and broken pieces of clay.  He was beaten, mocked at, spat at and many other awful things.  Then he was on the cross.  The Romans did everything they could to torture they victims.  On the cross the way they would hang them they could not breathe.  Unless, you used the plank that was on the cross, to lift yourself up so you could breathe.  When there victims did not die fast enough they could break their legs and die of suffocation.   But, the prophecy said that Jesus would never break a bone in his body.  So he died before they would break his legs.  After that he was laid in the tomb, and three days later he rose again!  And it all started with Jesus as a little baby.  That is the TRUE reason why we celebrate Christmas.  So today remember and remind you and other people the TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

Do you know what that means?  Merry means happy (DUH)  Christ is the son of God and and mas well I could not find a very trust worthy definition.  But I did not make this post to define Merry Christmas.  I wrote this post to remind us something.  Say Merry Christmas to everyone you meet.  Tell people the true meaning of Christmas.  Christ was born to save us of our sins.  This is one of the greatest days in history!  Around thirty three years later the GREATEST thing occurred.  Christ died on the cross and ROSE on the third day.  Okay, that something to get excited about.  So go out and tell everyone you meet "Christ was born to save of our sins."  and also remember the true meaning for Christmas.  Thank God for what he has given you.  He has given us all so many things.  So let's go and remind everyone the true meaning of Christmas1
P.S.  Don't you dare say "Happy Holiday"  it's Christmas!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fear Facts

Joshua 1:9  "Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you where ever you go."
     What do we fear?  What are we afraid of?  Is it our reputation, or death?  Is it spiders that you fear, or a bad hair day?  Are you afraid of your future your past?  It  is normal to have fears, trust me I have some fears myself. But it comes down to one single question - Why are we afraid? I'm mean with God all things are possible.
We all fear something. I fear riding in cars, well, kind of. ;-) But we should always trust our perfect God, I mean He knows what's going to happen; In fact, He knows why your afraid. He knows you better than you know you! WOW, that's cool!
God is always with you!  He will never leave you!  My stepmother has a sign in our house that says, "God will never put you in a place where He cannot reach you."  I think that is so true.  So the next time you are afraid and not courageous, remember God knows what's going on and it's just another trial and it will end. God put 365 times in the Bible don't fear -  that counts today.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Spread the News!!!

Luke 2:8-9 says, "8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people."
     I want to go ahead and tell you, I got this idea from my Pastor, Chris Justice, he is the pastor of Lee Park Baptist Church.  The shepherds were terrified when they saw the angle, but why?  Because it had been 6 centuries since the world.  Do you know the first thing the angel said?  "Do not be afraid."  You know what we and angels have in common?  We are both messengers for Christ.  So do not be afraid to spread God's word.  Yes, I know sometimes it is impossible not to be afraid, but don't let fear control you and keep you from spreading God's word.  Because that's what the devil wants.  He wants you to be afraid to spread God's word.  He wants you to hide in the shadows.  But, God does not.  He wants you to be lights of this world.  Just like the song, This little light of mine.
       This little light of mine,
      I'm going to let it shine,
     This little light of mine,
       I'm going to let shine,
      This little light of mine
       I'm going to let shine,
       Let it shine, let it shine, let shine, let shine!
     So do not be afraid.  And let your lights shine!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Worry, Worry, Worry?

Matthew 6:25-27“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"
     Do not worry about anything.  Yea, I bet we can do that. (I doubt it.)  I know sometimes it is really hard to stop worrying over things, but you know what?  It is all in God's hands.  Here's a great example,  I had to write a five minute debate and it was THE LAST NIGHT.  I was so worked up and frustrated. (I should have done it a while ago, but I didn't) and any ways I had to stop myself and say "Jackie, you need to calm down.  Put this in God's hands and calm down."  So I did just that, and guess what happened, the roads were frozen and co-op (A group that homeschoolers gather and learn a specific subject.) was two hours late.  Enough time to finish my debate!  I would have never finished it if it wasn't for God and his special way of helping me out.  Just like Jesus said, look up in the sky and see the birds, if God can feed the birds in the air and every animal on this earth than I know he can give us our needs. 
     Also do not worry about what you look like, life is more important than looks.  We were not made to worry over how we look.  We were here to full fill God's purpose.  We are more valuable than birds and if God feeds them He will feed us more than we can hold.

Merry CHRISTmas!!!!!!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas y'all! I love Christmas! People are so cheerful, joy, and peace is everywhere, but why is cheer, joy, and peace all around? Jesus or Santa? A manger or sleigh? The ultimate gift or lots of toys? Truthfully, which one did you pick? Millions of people picked everything that fell under Santa, and a lot of those people were Christians. Every year more and more people forget that even though we get toys, iPods, computers, ect. but we forget that one special gift we got 2,000 years ago. Can anyone guess? JESUS!!!! When i tell peoples that, they always ask me, "isn't that Easter?" But if Jesus Christ had never of been born then he would of never of taken our sins in the most horrific way. So please just remember the most important gift of all.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Showing off

     Matthew 6:2-5  says "So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.  But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret you will be reward you.  When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full."
     So what does that mean?  For one thing, do not pray aloud or brag about the good things you have done.  That does not do much for you.  If you do good things just to prove that you are a good person, then shame on you!  Showing off for your good does not do much.  Like Jesus said "they get their reward in full."  So what does Jesus mean by get their reward in full?  He means that the only reward they will get is the attention of others.  That's it, nothing more.  I would rather get my reward by the Father above who can do all things than by a man or person.  God's rewards are much better than a person.  Also when it says "do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing", that means don't let everyone see what you are doing.  Your donations are suppose to be kept secret.  Have you ever noticed those slips for money on the back of the pews?  Well that's what there for, to put your donation in so it can be kept secret.
     Same thing when it comes to praying.  Don't pray out loud where everyone can hear, unless they ask you to of course.  But, pray in your head where you are kept in secret.  Don't yell out "I prayed!"  When you do, only say that if someone asks you.  Christianity is not based on how generous your are with your donations, or how many times you pray.  It's between you and God, don't show off for your reason only.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Two Masters

Matthew 6:25 says "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other You cannot serve God and wealth."
     I think you can figure out what this post is already about, right?  You cannot have two masters, you will love one and despise the other.  That is the samething with wealth and God.  You love one and hate the other.  So I am going to go ahead and ask, which one do you love?  If you love God then this Christmas even if you don't get the new i-pod touch, or the new video game you will still be thankful.  If you picked wealth than you will not be glad that you didn't get something you wanted.  We should be thankful for what we got.  There are people all over the world who would be lucky to find something in the trash for dinner this Christmas.  So just a reminder don't let wealth be your master but the God of the universe.  The one that sent his only son to die on the cross for you.  In my case I think that is the best Christmas present ever.  To know that each day God loved you and loves you enough to die on the cross.  To make the ultimate sacrifice.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Question of the Month!

You have been invited to a awesome Christmas party.  But on the same day your church is volunteering to go to the Operation Christmas Child, what do you do?

A.  Go to the Operation Christmas Child.
B.  Go to the Christmas party.
C.  See if there is a way to go to both.
D.  Go to neither.
Chose honestly.

Treasures in Heaven

Matthew 6:19-21 says "Do not store up for yourselves treasures of the earth, where moth, and rust destroy, and where thieves break and steal.  But stores up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heat will be also."  Many people these days think that they need everything they see.  Like they just HAVE to have everything.  But why?  Everything on this earth will be destroyed, nothing lasts forever except for our souls, heaven and hell.  So like the verse says, why keep your treasure on earth?  The greatest treasure is in heaven waiting for you.  Not the new i-pod, or the next Call of Duty game. (Not recommended if you get motion sickness!  Been there and done that!)  Now I am not saying that everyone is like that, so if you think your not then just try to remind yourself the real reason for Christmas.  The greatest treasure is Jesus Christ,  I have a challenge for you, this Christmas, I want you to remind yourself the REAL reason why we celebrate Christmas.  Not for Santa Clause, or Saint Nick.  But for Jesus being born, because if you did not know, when Jesus was born he knew the plan.  He knew that he was going to be betrayed by Judas, and yet he still came.  You know why?  Because he loves you.  So for the next 19 days I want you to remember what Christmas is really about.  Write on your door if you have to(Not really on your door but with a sticky note,  I really doubt you want to write directly on your door.), make a big sigh that reminds you. I heard some people say...
There is no Christmas without Christ!!!
Also after Christmas thank God for what he has blessed you with!