Monday, August 30, 2010

Faith Part 1

Everyone falls at times in their faith, but the most important thing is to recover and learn from that fall. Faith is a hard thing to be strong in, there are lots of temptations out there just waiting to tear you down. WAIT, I know what your thinking "tear me down, WHAT!" Now there are people out there that are going to TRY to tear you down, but remember, you can do all things through Christ! We can stand strong in our faith if you just surrender to God and let Him speak through you and I promise you wont look like an idiot. God is with us.


     Why do teens date?  I have always wondered why but never really thought about for a long time.  Many teens these day do date, and why?  Is it because they think you're cool, because they feel like they need more attention, or is because they think it is time t start dating.  It could be any of these reasons, there are probably even more, but are you really old enough to date I mean REALLY?  Hear, listen to these facts I read in Purity for Teens.
  91% of all girls who began to date at age of 12 have sex before graduation.
  56% of all girls who began to date at age of 13 have sex before graduation.
  53% of all girls who began to date at age of 14 have sex before graduation.
  40% of all girls who began to date at age of 15 have sex before graduation.
  20% of all girls who began to date at age of 16 have sex before graduation.
     WOW!  That is crazy, if you think of it that way, we really should wait for the right guy or girl, you know.  Many teens these days really don't think about what does it really mean to date.  Is it to have fun?  Not even close, you date you when think it is time to have a marriage.  So I really don't think you need to be married at 15.  Another thing you really need to know is that BEFORE you date you need to be able to stand on your own feet.  If you can't be yourself without someone with you then you are NOT ready to date AT ALL.  If a guy or girl says "You complete me"  Stop the relationship right then and there.  So do yourself a favor, date when you are ready to marry and when you can stand on your own feet.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Modesty is one of those topics that people don't like to talk about, especially people in the church.  We don't want to judge each other, so instead we tend to make it seem like we approve of dress that we know is not pleasing to God.  But, what does the Bible say about that?
1 Corinthians 5:11-14 says But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexuall immoral or greedy, and idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler.  With such a man do not even eat.  What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church?  Are you not to judge those inside?  God will judge those outside.  "Expel the wicked man from among you."

Wow, that is pretty powerful, but we must also remember that the bible tells us in Galatians 6:1-Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently.  But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.  Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

We are all sinners.  We all make mistakes.  We all need help.  Sometimes just setting a good example of dress is a help to those around you.  Gently restoring each other means doing it in a loving way, a way that you know you are not any better.  Modesty starts in the heart.  We must have a heart for the things of Jesus and a desire to do what is right for him.  He tells us to be pure because he knows that we are easily tempted and one immodest dress could cause many guys to have a lustful thought.  We are not supposed to cause our brothers to sin.  So, take a second to glance at yourself in the mirror and make sure that what you are wearing will not cause your brother in Christ to sin.  Modest is hottest and we can look great without showing too much skin.  Can you raise and praise?  Raise your arms in praise to God without your tummy showing.  Can you kneel without reveal?  Kneel to God without your undies or your bum showing.  Is your chest covered?  These are just a few things that can cause guys to sin.  Lets first change our heart then change our dress.  Read Ephesians 5, it gives us some great examples on how to act.
What are some stumbling blocks for you?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Letters to God

I'm writing my post about the movie, Letters to God. Before I start, let me say I HIGHLY recommend this movie. Letters to God is a true story about Tyler, a 9yr. old boy who is diagnosed with a brain tumor that is highly fatal (there's still a chance), who writes these letters to God, which are basically prayers. It was amazing the faith this 9yr. old boy  has.  Even though he's at death's door he never asks God why he's sick or gets mad at God for making him sick, all he writes about is for God to help other people. But, I'm not going to tell you any more, because you need to watch it yourself!
 We need to be like Tyler and be strong in our faith, never underestimate God.  He always has a plan for whatever might be happening in your life, bad or good.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Worldly Attachment

     What is your most favorite thing in the world?  Is it your i-pod or your cell phone?  We have so many things in America that other countries don't have.  Many people from other countries think of us as spoiled people who would rather by steaks instead of donating food to the closest food drive.  I would'nt blame them!  I am not saying that everyone in Amercia is a spoiled brat, but there are some people out there that sure do act like one.  If we could just forget about that new shirt or those super hot pants and think... "Do I really need these things or do I just want them to impress someone?"  I mean there are children out there who only have one cloth around their waist, and they call that clothes.  God did say that it is easier for a poor man to go to heaven that a rich man. Why?  Because a poor man is thankful for every little thing he gets and some rich people complain because the steak is to tough!  So do yourself a favor don't be like those snooty rich people everyone dislikes, be the person that has everyone as friends and is close to God.

A Heart for God

How do we have a heart for God?  How do we even know what is right and what is not right?  James 4:8 says Come near to God and he will come near to you.
Just a temperature check for us--but how often do you read your bible?  How often do you pray--really pray?  Do you keep a prayer journal to remember the things and people that you promised to pray about?

Should we have a set time each day that we read our bibles and pray or should it just be whenever?  Do you thank God for the things he has done and is doing or do you just present your list of requests for the day?  Do you love God, I mean really love God?
PROVE IT!  Go above and beyond for him, he did for you.


Everybody please vote on our polls, because the bathing suit and gossip one are closing down tonight!!!!
Vote soon:) 

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Choosing the Right Friends.

     Choosing the right friends can actually really help you out a lot.  How?  Well it is quit simple if you have good friends, they can help you in a time of need.  They are always positive and loving.  Good godly friends can help you through times of trials in a good way, but bad friends are different.  When you pick friends that cut up in class and are very disrespectful, trouble is just around the corner.  You will be pressured to do things that you know are wrong and you will have a negative crowd which is so bad for your skin!( Just kidding with you!)
     Proverbs 12:26 Says "A righteous man is cautions in friendship, but they way of the wicked leads them astray."  You see what I mean if you choose good friends you can stay on the right path but if you choose bad friends than you will lead astray from God.  It is okay to talk to people that are astray from God so you can spread Gods word, but it is not okay to look up them.  Many teens these days get pressured into doing smoothing that they know they should not be doing, so don't end up like a person who leads astray stay on the right path and strand straight and tall.

What is Purity?

Lots of people have asked, "What exactly is purity?"
Well, one thing purity is not, is having sex before marriage *GASP* people can actually do that? Yes, lots of people can and will do that, and those people who do that have real strong relationships. 
Purity is not just keeping your body pure, but also your mind, actions, and words. Then how do you keep your mind, actions, and words pure? Well, to keep your mind pure you need to think good  things, not bad things. What are bad things we can think about? -- How hot that guy/girl was, I'm not saying it's bad to have a crush on a guy/girl because GOD created us to want the opposite sex. But, when you are always thinking about him/her that is when your mind becomes impure. Thinking all the time about anything or desiring anything can make your mind impure.
     Another thing that is impure is dating when you are not even old enough.  When you are thirteen do you really need to date?  I mean seriously!  Do you really expect to get married in the next three years!  
     Another one is impure words.  What are impure words?  Impure words can be, gossip, crude jokes, bragging, and anything not glorifying GOD.
We all do these things, don't deny it, confess it to GOD and get it off your chest. Let's try to stop the impurity in in this world!

Having Fun

     Everyone loves to have fun.  And "fun" has a different meaning for a lot of people, but what should "fun" mean to a Christian?
Some people think it is fun to pick on their brother or sister; others think it is fun to watch someone else get hurt have something bad happen to them.  Some people think it is fun to hear a crude joke or tell a crude joke, while others may think it is more fun to play a nasty joke on someone.  But, it that really fun?
     I heard someone say once, "If it is not fun for everyone, then it is not fun."  I think a lot of times we tend to confuse mean behavior with fun, but we would not want someone to do or say that to us.
I wonder what God considers fun? 
     As Christians, people should be able to look at us and our lives and say, "Now, that is true fun."  People should see that we can be joyful, fun, and happy because the Holy Spirit is inside us.  They should be able to see us laughing and having fun at things that are nice and good.  We should be the example.  Don't you have fun and laugh when playing a game with others and everyone is having a good time?  Don't you find joy in seeing someone else being joyful? 
     There are so many ways that we can show the world how great our God is and I believe that one of those is to show the world how much joy and fun we can have as Christians.  Then be prepared to give them an answer when they ask why---this is a great way for us to witness to others.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Eating Disorders

  An eating disorder is a sad and common thing that teens can have.  They usually start when a teen has low-self esteem about themselves and how they look.  They feel like they won't fit in because their "To fat."  Then they create an eating disorder. There a two different kinds of eating disorders.  One is anorexia and the other is bulimia.  When a teenager has anorexia, they may take diet pills and excessive exercise.  They are petrified to gain weight, they may check themselves in the mirror countless times a day.  If not treated anorexia can cause death.   One out of a hundred girls have anorexia.  50% of all the girls with anorexia fully recover, 30% have residual symptoms through out life and 20% have chronic which leads to death of complications or suicide.  Eating disorders happen to more girls than boys, because there is more pressure on girls than there are boys. 
     The other eating disorder is bulimia.  When a teen has bulimia she will over eat at least twice a week, and then she will be upset from over eating and try to eject all the food she has.  Sometimes they will take diuretics (water pills), or enemas. Adolescents with bulimia may periodically skip meals, restrict food or engage in over exercising. In spite of this, most people with bulimia are of normal weight.  Many people who have this eating disorder will have depression and will hurt themselves by cutting and burning themselves.  If not treated in a matter of time their teeth could rot out from all of the vomiting and have swollen salivary glands, electrolyte and mineral imbalances, long lasting disruption of normal bowel function, erosion of the dental enamel, and rarely, tearing or rupturing of the esophagus or stomach or heart irregularities.  Like anorexia 50% recover fully, 30% change somewhat, and 20% still have it.  Although long term studies show that eventually the person will turn to help. 
     Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness The mortality rate associated with anorexia is 12 times higher than the death rate of ALL causes of death for females 15 – 24 years old.  Anorexia is the 3rd most common chronic illness among adolescents.  An estimate of a 1,000 women die each year from anorexia.  It is a sad thing that is very common these days.  So do yourself a favor don't worry about your weight so much that you become obsessive over it, because not only does it hurt you, but it hurts your family.  If you know anyone who has these eating disorders get help fast before it is to late.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Three Enemies

     I bet you are already wondering, "What in the world do you mean by the three enemies?"  Well, when I mean enemies I mean the enemies that tempt us, which are the world, the flesh, and the devil.  All of them have a little part in tempting us to lose our purity.  We must fight back to keep our purity safe and strong.  The world tempts us by putting sinful movies, songs, pictures, and books everywhere for us to see.  The flesh tempts us by its own selfish thoughs to want to be independent of God, which is not right.  Last but not least, the devil tempts us.  He is the one that put evil thoughs into you mind, so we must be careful about what we watch, what we see, and what we listen to and what we read.  Because the enemies are always on guard waiting and watching for the best time to attack.  We must be on guard too, so the next time you think, watch, or say something, remind yourself who is pressuring me to do this, God or the three enemies.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Peer pressure--good or bad?

Is peer pressure a good thing or a bad thing?  It can be both depending on the situation.  If you feel pressured to do something that you know is right, then it is a good thing.  But, if you feel pressured to do something that you know is wrong, then it is a bad thing. 
So, what can we do when we are faced with pressure in a bad situation? 
First, we should pray for God to show us the way out. (1 Corinthians 10:13...And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.)  It is hard because we want to be accepted by each other and we don't want others to think we are weird, but inside we want to do what is right. 
Second, we can change the subject or challenge the other people to do what is right. (Hebrew 10:38-But my righteous one will live by faith.  And if he shrinks back, I will not be plased with him.  (1 Peter 3:15 Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with gentleness ad respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.)
Third, we can walk away.  We should ask ourselves if these are really a good friend if they are asking us to do something that is not right or maybe they just don't know that it is not right.  Don't judge, but don't sin either.

The Worry of Looks

     Your alarm rings, you put the snooze on and ten minutes later you are rushing to throw on the cutest outfit that you have.  You then turn to the clock and gasp.  You have only twenty minutes to eat breakfast, hunt for your book bag, and lather yourself with your Mary Kay makeup.  Does this sound familiar to you? Well, if you are a girl, it really should.  Girls are aways worrying about looks and from what I have heard guys do too. We always want to look our best and have people say "Wow you look amazing!"  Doesn't everyone?  Did you know that out of a hundred teenagers between the ages of thirteen and seventeen there are one to two teens that have an eating disorder?  That is a lot, when there are 25 to 28 million teenagers.  We girls are always trying to have the cutest clothes and the hottest makeup if that's true, why? God made your face with such care, and God never makes mistakes, so he made your face just like it is.  Why do you want to cover yourself with makeup? You won't be able to see the real you.  You're hiding behind a product that just makes you look like you are too embarrassed to show your real face and  He doesn't want you to cover his beautiful creation with a man made product that just wastes your time and money.  God made your face too pretty to hide behind makeup.  I am not saying that makeup is bad. It is just when you cover your whole face with it, some lipstick or eye liner is not bad.  So what do you say, do you agree with?  Come on girls, lets stop worrying about the way we look, being modest and having matching clothes is one thing, but worrying if you look awful is another.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Question of the month.

     Okay, we are going  try another kind of question, we could not fit it on the the poll questions so we are going to fit it here.  Now what we are going to do is ask you a question that can put you under pressure in real life.  We will be doing these question once every month.  Okay here's the question.  You have a friend and you have known him/her since you were in diapers.  In seventh grade and you and your friend are hanging out and your friend ask you if you want a cigarette, what do you do?

    A. Leave the person and never talk to them again.
    B.  Take the cigarette and smoke.
    C. Change the subject.
    D. Don't leave question them while it is happening, and tell an adult afterwards.
    E. Give them a Nicotine patch. : o )
    So now all you have to do is vote.  Comment whatever one you think is best and then post your comment. That's all, so I can't wait to see what you post.


What do you do when people do things you know is not right, walk away, nothing, be a leader, or just do the same thing? Well, we all need to do something! We don't need to be followers of this world, but of Christ! Guys you'll one day be the head of the house (a.k.a leader). We need to make a pack so when people do start gossiping or something like that we'll have back-up to help so your not the only one. It will be so much easier if you have a friend to help you change the subject.
Lot's of people voted on our poll about "what you would do if someone were to start gossiping", and like everyone voted NOTHING! I'm guilty of this too, but even if we were to say a silent prayer or just walk away, at least you know you did something. But if you just stand there and do nothing it will be like you are gossiping back. I'm not saying that you need to jump in and change the conversation, because that's really hard unless your a born leader, then in that case, you go girl/guy!
Something just as simple as walking away or complementing instead of making fun of that person is really big and good. Because then they'll start wondering,  "why she/he would do that?"  Why, because we don't like gossip. Someone once asked me "what's so wrong with gossiping?" I replied "Tell me what good thing comes out of talking bad about someone." She said "well you know whats going on." I then said "do you like people gossiping about you?" Well, she walked away after that statement. But it's not really that hard to change the subject once you get over the fear.
So go out there and ask GOD to give you courage, and stop gossip!

Where is your heart today?

     Hello everyone this is Jackie, I was reading a book and it showed a quote that Jesus said.  "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  So, what is your treasure today?  Is it the 50$ dollar jeans your wearing, or the I-pod with 1,000 songs and games downloaded on it?  Our treasure could be all  these things but we must always remember the real treasure, which is in Jesus Christ our Lord.  Without him we can do nothing, with him we can cross mountains and valleys.  He is always with us and everything we do has a reason.  Thank you Money Matters for Teens Workbook.(Which is where I got the quote from.)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


What is a teenager?
If you were to look it up in the dictionary it would say..... a person from 13-19, an adolescent. Did you know that before the 1900's there was no such thing as a teenager. No, when you turned 15 you were thought to be an adult.  But, know people don't expect you to even have a clean room!
One of my favorite books is "DO Hard Things" Alex and Brett Harris talk about how we need to overcome the teenage expectations. (Amen)
So many bad things happen during the "teen years". When our parents talk about all the bad stuff they did, what time period did it always happen? The teen years!!!!!!! And  we're next! We need to stop it!


Hello everyone, this is our first post on this blog, yea!  Ok, this is for all you teens out there who are struggling in this world with we should be.
What should we wear?
What do we talk about?
What should we do in spare time?
Well congrats that's what this blog is all about!!!
If you have any questions you perfer to not comment you are welcome to reach us at our e-mail  Hope to hear from you soon!
We LOVE comments, and y'all