SO! sorry I've sorta been MIA!
Anyway responsibilities, such as doing my chores, are something I sometimes struggle with. Let me just tell you some of my chores. I own 11 little baby ducks (they're SUPER cute) and so every morning I need to feed and fill their little pool up with water (they're not old enough to swim in our huge pond), then I need to feed and water my dog,ok that's not hard to do. The hard chores would be keeping my room clean *cough, cough, hehe* and sweeping all the downstairs floors and mopping everyday, that would be what's hard. Oh, and staying on track with this blog. And I'm so sorry about that!
So responsibility is something I think a lot of people struggle with, but a lot of times the easiest thing to do is ignore them, "Oops, I forgot, oh well!" is what we, or at least I say. But maybe when your sitting down watching TV or texting all your friends hoping someone will text you back, because your bored, what we really need and I recommend is you stop and pray to GOD, "Please help me LORD! I need you to give me the strength and just do it!" Ya know my totally awesome mentor told me something, she said when it comes to struggling to do some things, say these three simple words, because they help a lot, "Just do it!" Those are the words she told me and my friends. How simple right? Yet how come we don't just do it? Really think about it....................
I'll tell you why! Because the devil has put in our heads that doing stuff is bad, work is bad! But guess what?!?! Work was in the garden of Eden before sin, do you know what that means? That means work is PERFECT! HA! Beat that Mr. Devil! Also the devil has given us so many distractions to keep us away from being with GOD and doing the responsibilities that GOD's given us. Here's a quote that might help, "Saying no to what I want may feel like death, but it will lead to life!" That was a quote from a drug addict! If he can become clean and stay clean with the help of GOD, we can ignore all the distractions and do our responsibilities!
If you have any questions email us or comment and I will help you!
That is so very true!!